Thursday, April 28, 2011

UFO spotted at the royal wedding venue, as predicted.

Looks like Prince William and fiancée Kate Middleton will have some unexpected guests at their royal wedding.

A tourist has reportedly filmed a UFO hovering over Westminster Abbey - the venue for Friday's Royal Wedding.

The two-and-a half-minute video footage shows a shimmering white object in a cloudless blue sky near Big Ben.

It seems to move and shift shape - but to have three sections, like the starship USS Enterprise from TV's Star Trek.

"First we thought it was a parachute but it was way too high up," the Sun quoted the tourist as posting it on the Internet.

"It changed shape but stayed there for at least 30 minutes. Then I lost sight of it," the tourist added."

The sighting emerged shortly after retired US Air Force major predicted extra-terrestrials would visit Earth to see William and Middleton tie the knot.

Source: times of india

Older post: Prediction from US Airforce officer, here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Russian UFO crash, really making a buzz online!

Unbelievable. Even top news agencies actually bother to include this apparently obvious hoax on their websites. I was just browsing for some UFO news this evening when I stumbled upon this link belonging to International Business Times.

The economic voice too, seems to have taken interest in this footage. Some more include the Daily Mail,, East Anglian Daily times and The Sun.

Why? Why is this happening? I have a theory in this regard. I believe, this footage is deliberately allowed to circulate around the internet in the hopes of being rejected as a hoax. For all you know, this could be real alright? The Roswell incident of 1946 is still fresh in people's minds, merely because of this evidence of what looked like an elaborate cover-up (large number of personnel and equipment at the site just to clear a weather balloon?). Or, perhaps the Russian government is probably studying the media's reaction? In either case, a cover-up is certainly not in their agenda. Otherwise, I wouldn't be posting this here right now. I'm just a college guy with an interest on UFOs, after all!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Another "realistic" footage showing an alien corpse in Russia is making its rounds on the internet. Personally, I think it's a hoax. Even if a bunch of civilians did find an alien corpse, their government would swoop in and cover it up in no time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

UFO sightings expected at Will and Kate's wedding?

Former US Air Force officer George Filer manages Britain’s National UFO Center, and his writings are featured prominently by conspiracy websites. He says that UFOs are often witnessed in the vicinity of important events, and it is therefore very possible that they will be seen near the royal wedding.

Filer told AOL News that UFOs’ interest in important occurrences led to their sighting in Libya and tsunami-stricken parts of Japan. He says his UFO Center is informed of more than a thousand UFO sightings every month, and British Royal Air Force pilots have seen them recently over the English Channel.

He spoke of a meeting with William’s father, Prince Philip in 1961 or 1962, when he was a navigator in a tanker aircraft. Philip conversed with “a group of us,” and said that his uncle, Earl Mountbatten, had seen UFOs.

Colin Andrews, a well-known investigator of crop circles, provided some confirmation in royal interest in UFOs. He claims he received a letter from the Queen, who had read one of his books. When he posted the letter online, he was asked to remove it because it was “personal” correspondence not intended for public consumption.
