This blog contains everything about UFOs and extraterrestrials. We post news, footage, video compilations, hoaxes, articles and everything else in between, daily.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Arizona desert UFO 'morphs' into two lights
The witness was three miles west of Congress when a light first thought to be a helicopter was spotted after pulling over and getting out of the vehicle.
"It was a red light intermittently beaming a brilliant, focused white light down to the ground as if to be looking for someone or something, and I thought what or who would be way out there, and why there were no strobe I.D. lights on the helicopter," the witness stated.
The witness got back into the vehicle and continued to observe the light.
"Suddenly, what I thought was a helicopter flying at 500 feet was much smaller and much closer; in fact, it was now just on the other side of the road and was about 10 feet off the ground, hovering."
The object appeared to be searching for something on the ground, and then "morphed" into two tiny red lights.
"Now as it approached my car, it suddenly morphed back into its former shape: a spherical orb about the size of a softball, bright red (DOT emergency red, like a tail-light). Was this military? Is this a living organism? Perhaps an alien probe? It was now six feet in front of my car, four feet off the ground, just hovering."
The witness described the object.
"I noticed that although the red light emitted from this thing was very bright to my eyes, it wasn’t casting shadows and did not reflect from the surrounding bushes or from the polished surface of my hood. I could see the surface of this thing seemed to be fluid- like, and composed of what appeared to be millions of tiny dots of light swirling around very fast and was very hard for my eyes to focus on it. The perimeter seemed to fuzz out at the edges, like an aura or halo. The light seemed to be luminous rather than projected, and was not radiating any heat that I could feel."
The witness considered getting out of the vehicle to investigate further, but fear set in.
"Suddenly, the orb started to move a little closer to me, and my curiosity was overcome by fear… I felt panic consume me and simultaneously engaged the engine and hit the lights. The orb reacted by backing away slightly. Illuminated by my headlights, I could plainly see that there were no mechanical parts or structure. I slammed the gearshift into drive, and floored it. I wanted to put as much distance between that thing and me as fast as possible. I warily glanced in the rear-view mirror and was horrified to realize that it was pursuing me down the road at 90 mph."
The witness attempted to use a cell phone to call for help, but the phone service did not work. The witness eventually reached Congress and pulled over.
"For the next two or three hours, I watched odd lights moving through the dark moonless night. I found that my eyesight had been affected by looking at the orb, and I could not focus on any bright light source. Whatever I tried looking at seemed to move away into periphery. Needless to say, I stayed parked there and tried my best to go to sleep and forget about what I had seen."
No images or video were included with the MUFON report.
Arizona is a current UFO ALERT 4 rating, with a strong number of UFO sightings nationally. Arizona had 19 UFO reports in January 2011. California had 47 cases, the highest reporting state in the nation.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.
The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Arizona MUFON State Director Jim Mann investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to
AZ, May 19, 2010 - Confronted and chased by a Softball size Red Orb. MUFON Case # 27685.
Encounter on a Lonely Desert Road
By [Witness name removed CMS/dr]
The beams of my headlights seemed to be chasing elusive shadows cast against the desert sage as I drove through the dark moonless night towards Congress, Arizona. Retired now, a gold prospector with the time to fulfill my quest for the big nugget, my thoughts then were of gold and only gold…that was about to change.
Just about midnight and just South of the middle of nowhere, I had stopped and pulled off the road to relieve myself and take a break from driving, and it was at this moment that I first saw what I thought to be a helicopter with a bright searchlight circling the area southwest of me.
Having served with the U.S.A.F., I have seen many types of aircraft, but this was something I had never seen before. It was a red light intermittently beaming a brilliant, focused white light down to the ground as if to be looking for someone or something, and I thought what or who would be way out there, and why there were no strobe I.D. lights on the helicopter.
I didn’t give it much more thought and got back in the car and grabbed a cigarette, lit up and gazed back towards the southwest. The chopper was now circling closer to me and although my window was down, there was no noise and I thought that was really strange.
Suddenly, what I thought was a helicopter flying at 500 feet was much smaller and much closer; in fact, it was now just on the other side of the road and was about 10 feet off the ground, hovering. I flicked the cigarette out the window. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Am I hallucinating?
“What the ____ is that?” My heart beating fast and my mind spinning, I watched as the object as it moved through the sparse vegetation, stopping now and then to illuminate the ground beneath with its powerful beam of white light, and then it appeared to morph into two tiny red lights, like twin LED’s (light emitting diodes) and started to cross the road towards me.
Now as it approached my car, it suddenly morphed back into its former shape: a spherical orb about the size of a softball, bright red (DOT emergency red, like a tail-light). Was this military? Is this a living organism? Perhaps an alien probe? It was now six feet in front of my car, four feet off the ground, just hovering. What the ____is this thing??? Somehow, I don’t think it’s military…no stars, insignia or guns…(chuckle)
I noticed that although the red light emitted from this thing was very bright to my eyes, it wasn’t casting shadows and did not reflect from the surrounding bushes or from the polished surface of my hood. I could see the surface of this thing seemed to be fluid- like, and composed of what appeared to be millions of tiny dots of light swirling around very fast and was very hard for my eyes to focus on it. The perimeter seemed to fuzz out at the edges, like an aura or halo. The light seemed to be luminous rather than projected, and was not radiating any heat that I could feel.
It’s amazing what goes through your head when confronted with an un-known like this… a memory of Dr. XXXXXXX of S.E.T.I. explaining that most UFO sightings are mostly swamp gas or weather balloons…Hey Doc! Here’s one that will fit right up your telescope!
At this moment, I was toying with the idea of getting out of my car to approach the orb and try to communicate with it.
Suddenly, the orb started to move a little closer to me, and my curiosity was overcome by fear… I felt panic consume me and simultaneously engaged the engine and hit the lights. The orb reacted by backing away slightly. Illuminated by my headlights, I could plainly see that there were no mechanical parts or structure. I slammed the gearshift into drive, and floored it. I wanted to put as much distance between that thing and me as fast as possible. I warily glanced in the rear-view mirror and was horrified to realize that it was pursuing me down the road at 90 mph.
I grabbed my cell phone and hurriedly called 911. NO SERVICE. I started laughing out loud. Who the hell would believe me if I reported being chased by a hovering, glowing red softball? They would think I was drunk or stoned out of mind!
The little town of Congress had already rolled up the sidewalks and turned off the lights, and not a soul stirring…well, it was 1:00 a.m. Arizona time. I decided to park in a vacant lot near the Fire Station right off the main highway.
For the next two or three hours, I watched odd lights moving through the dark moonless night. I found that my eyesight had been affected by looking at the orb, and I could not focus on any bright light source. Whatever I tried looking at seemed to move away into periphery. Needless to say, I stayed parked there and tried my best to go to sleep and forget about what I had seen.
Later, when I arrived home in California a couple of days later, I also noticed that my eyesight had not only been temporarily affected, but it had improved to some extent, and now can read small print without the use of my reading glasses.
I have shared this story with a few friends, but I notice that their eyes glaze over and I realize that they don’t believe what I saw. If someone told me this story, I don’t think that I would believe it myself. All said, I swear that this report is absolutely true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
UFO mystery in Kolkata air
A glowing round object making a speedy descent near the West Bengal-Bihar border early on January 26 left pilots of five aircraft baffled, triggering widespread speculation about unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
The first person to sight the object was a senior Air India pilot who was navigating the aircraft at a height of 34,000 ft during its flight from Kolkata to New Delhi.
“The plane was just entering the airspace of Gaya, close to Bengal-Bihar border, when I first noticed the glowing object, below the aircraft, hurtling down at a very high speed,” Captain Rishi was quoted as saying by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower here at Dum Dum International Airport.
The Air India pilot initially didn’t pay much attention as it is customary for the pilots to notice several such things midair. But when the aircraft was close to Varanasi, the object was still brightly visible.
Without wasting time, he informed the Varanasi Air Traffic Control from where ATC, Kolkata, was alerted.
The officials at ATC pondered over whether pilots of other international flights that might have crossed the Kolkata-Bihar-Varanasi route, had also observed the glowing object reported by Capt Rishi.
Accordingly, the ATC, Kolkata, beamed asking signals for other international flights that flew the same airspace during the period concerned.
Foreign pilots confirm
To their utter surprise, the air traffic control officials were told by as many as four foreign airlines flight pilots that they had seen the same object and all of them reiterated that it was falling down at a great speed!
FinAir of Finland and Novou Air of Sweden were flying from the West to East while a couple of flights of Cathay Pacific and Dynasty Airways of China were moving in the opposite direction at an altitude between 34,000 and 37,000 ft over the airspace supposed to be in the trajectory of the object.
Once the foreign airlines pilots radioed back the ATC tower here, confirming their sighting of the object, ATC engineers immediately got in touch with the Indian Air Force. However, the IAF engineers pointed out that their powerful radar had failed to track or notice any unusual object.
“It could be a shooting star or part of a meteor or a metal that had a sudden entry into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of which it turned into a burning object and appeared glowing from a distance,” explained Positional Astronomy Centre director Sanjib Sen.
“There is no denying the fact of its existence as so many pilots having seen it.”
But when everyone had seen it falling at a high speed, where and when the object had hit the earth? There is apparently no answer to this question so far.
Source: DeccanHerald
Orb-of-light UFO spotted over Dome of Rock, Jerusalem
It could be dismissed as a hoax, except, the same footage was shot in two different angles by two different unrelated people. The first thing that comes to my mind is, what are these "orbs" made of? Surely, this one is not the first of its kind. I've previously linked a video of it titled "Milkhill UFO incident" followed by another one seemingly making crop circles over a field.
"Orb" UFO's have also made an appearance in the famous Rendlesham (England) incident in 1980.
Source :ITN
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
UFO drops flare like objects over Utah
An unidentified flying object was filmed dropping flare-like objects over Utah last week, leaving locals to wonder if they had experienced a close encounter with alien spacecrafts.
“They looked like they were flying in formation perfectly together and then whatever was dropping looked like it was burning real bright,” witness Mike Galbraith told Utah’s ABC 4. An Air Force veteran, Galbraith says that the trails of white lights falling from the objects were not military flares. “They usually shoot out the sides, or they shoot down, and there are a lot of them and you could definitely hear them.” Galbraith said the UFOs were silent.
According to AOL News, local airports and military installations have offered no explanation for the lights.
“I don’t believe in extraterrestrials,” said local resident Lynette Chidester. “I noticed over the roof of the garage a red light and a white light, and the red light isn’t flashing like an airplane light does — that’s what drew my attention to it.”
She then saw the streaks of white, glittering light reported by other witnesses like Galbraith. “Out of the red light comes, like, a firework — the phosphorescent silver — it’s coming down out of it and I thought, ‘OK, I’ve never seen that before.”
Residents reported seeing the lights for 15 minutes before they flew away.
How UFO Sightings Continue to Impact Shares of Lockheed Martin and Boeing

By Cory Bortnicker January 31, 2011 12:45 PM
Now I’m no conspiracy nut, but it’s pretty much an established fact that UFOs are here, and the only possible explanation for them is that inter-dimensional beings have teleported to our universe and worked out a deal by which they share their technology with us in exchange for access to our reproductive organs.
It’s also pretty much agreed upon that the corporate benefactors of this technology are companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin, both of which use their passenger jet divisions as cover for their more sinister pursuits, particularly their reverse engineered aircraft that they deploy to game the stock market.
For investors, this presents a unique opportunity. You see, there is a direct correlation between the spotting of UFOs and the share prices for both Lockheed and Boeing.
How? Simple. When a UFO sighting makes the news, social mood shifts towards the paranoid, thereby driving up the share prices of the very military-industrial complex companies we rely on for air defense.
To wit, last November, we made this observation:
“One week after the UFO sightings in New York and Texas, shares of both Lockheed Martin and Boeing went up. Not down. Up.
See for yourself.
Lockheed Martin
Sighting Date Share Price 1 week later %change
NYC 10/14 70.2 71.84 +2.3%
Texas 10/16 70.02 71.78 +2.5%
NYC 10/14 71.36 71.5 +.01%
Texas 10/16 70.11 71.66 +.22%
Well folks, it’s happening again.
Thought Catalog reports that two major UFO sightings occurred yesterday over Jerusalem and Utah.
How did shares of Lockheed and Boeing change from one week prior to the sighting until today? Let’s take a look.
Lockheed Martin
January 24th Current %change
78.03 79.32 +1.7%
January 24th Current %change
72.73 69.85 -4%
First off, Lockheed is still definitely benefiting from UFO sightings. As was the case in November, shares of the company went up…not down…but up after UFOs were spotted.
But strangely, this time around, shares of Boeing went down…not up…but down after yesterday’s sighting.
What does this mean?
There’s really only one possible explanation. Executives at Lockheed have clearly struck a better technology sharing deal with the inter-dimensional beings, and while we have no hard “proof,” Mr. Market subconsciously understands Lockheed’s advantage and therefore has greater confidence in its ability to protect us from alien invasion, ergo the stronger share price.
Boeing, meanwhile, has become completely immobilized by the Dreamliner fiasco, and has had to turn its attention away from time-traveling anti-gravitational aircraft. This, of course, may make sense in the short term, but for long term investors it would be wise to consider Boeing’s place in the intergalactic aviation world before making any serious bets.
The facts don’t lie.
Spaceships landed of Anglesey coast, claims UFO expert

ALIEN spaceships under the sea might sound like the stuff of fiction, but a UFO researcher claims that an incident off the shores of Anglesey could be the best evidence yet of an infamous North Wales close encounter.
However, UFO expert Russ Kellett said that a coastguard document backed his theory that one of three alien craft found off the coast of Anglesey crashed into Lake Bala and caused the Berwyn Mountain incident January 23 1974.
He said: “This information that I have unleashed is a sort of Holy Grail. The Ministry of Defence released documents a year ago and there was nothing about military activity.”
The researcher, who has investigated the UFOs for 23 years, said that the Marine Coastguard document revealed that a military exercise called Operation Photoflash was underway from Liverpool Bay to the North Wales coast on the night of the Berwyn Incident.
Russ believes that the operation used depth charges to locate one alien craft at Puffin Island, another off the Anglesey coast and a further ship near Bangor.
The spaceships then shot out of the sea and into the air.
Russ said that a group of men discovered one of the silver flying saucers while the aliens emerged from one of the crashed ships on a roadside near Llandrillo.
He said: “They were slim humanoid creatures, about five ft six inches tall, with grey skin and wore jumpsuits with belt kits on them.”
Russ added that the men watched the soliders load the aliens into a vehicle and drive away.
The researched believed that the MoD had not released the information to prevent public panic.
He said: “You’ve got something that travels about under the sea without detection and can fly. What a piece of engineering that is.
“People are going to get really worried, because this is what I call super technology.”
Russ also claims to have several fragments of one of the craft.
Documents released by the MoD last year support the theory that a meteor shower caused the bright lights and earthqauke experienced by residents near the Berwyn Incident’s epicentre at Bala Lake.