Two witnesses in Stanislaus County report watching an orb that hovered at times between 50 and 20 feet in the air after midnight on August 16, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The two were smoking at an open window on the second floor of a home in a new development that faces the Stanislaus River when they originally noticed the orb moving into the air and then stopping at a distance of 50 feet off of the ground.
"We watched it hover for about a minute. The only way to describe its movements is perfect, precise, elegant as it started to 'float' or 'hover' towards my neighborhood," the reporting witness stated.
The object was lost to sight behind a neighbor's home and they thought the event was over - but the object appeared again.
"Only this time hovering symmetrically, parallel to the road and towards my house. It was only about 20 feet in the air and slow."
They observed three colors on the orb as it moved.
"As the object approached my house, let me tell you, the color was amber, yellow, red. The orb did not glare or hurt our eyes to look at. I shut my window yet my blinds were still open and we stopped screaming. It hovered directly in front of my house for about 30 seconds, it seemed to be on the streetlight, but not physically harming anything. The orb then shot off, so fast, to left of my neighbors house into the field behind our houses. The streetlight was out for a moment and then flickered gradually back to on. I opened my window and we were leaning out onto the roof for just one more glimpse of this unknown object. The field was alight, a glow coming from it and turning everything sepia colored around us. We felt so calm, and like we wanted to see "them" communicate with "them". It was a tranquil feeling, like everything would be alright."
The witness also describes other odd events in the same area, commenting that the area should be investigated as it is "infested."
No images or video were attached to the report, which was filed on December 27, 2010. Stanislaus County in located in California's Central Valley, population 446,997. We recently covered the orb story, 2006: 'Intelligent' orb floats within 10 feet of witnesses.
California is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a higher number of UFO sightings nationally. California had 65 UFO sighting reports in November 2010 and 40 in October.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.
The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If California MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.
CA, August 16, 2010 - My bestfriend and I were leaning out my window staring at the night sky and an orb shot straight up into the sky and made its way to my house. MUFON Case # 27138.
My bestfriend Stephanie and I went to the movies one night and came home around twelve. We got ready for bed, went to my room on the second story of my house and opened up my window to look at the night sky and smoke a couple cigarettes as we do sometimes before we sleep. My house is in a new development, the development was built on what used to be a bunch of farms, a couple ranches still surrounding. My house is in the coner of the development, I have no neighbors to the right and only one to the left, a house slightly smaller than our own. Feilds surround our houses, very little light obstucts the night sky, it is always a very clear veiw.
Anyways, we're staring off towards where the stanislaus river would be, enjoying our smokes and an orb shoots into the sky, perfectly. About 50 feet staight up and stops. We watch it hover for about a minute, the only way to describe it's movements is perfect, precise, elegant as it started to "float" or "hover" towards my neighborhood. It went behind a couple houses beyond our veiw and we thought "oh, well that was it" and continued with our smokes.
Still staring down my street and into the sky a bit in awe of what we had seen a deep eerie silence took to the surroundings,and it appears again. Only this time hovering symetrically, parallel to the road and towards my house. It was only about 20 feet in the air and slow. Of course, we started screaming the closer it got. LOUD! My sister was in the room right next to us, her bed directly on the other side of the wall where mine was. She had gone to bed. I am positive she did not have enough time to reach sleep, let alone a deep sleep. She did not wake up from our screaming. Neither did my parents, who were just down the hall and sleep with their door wide open. It was completely silent except for our terror.
As the object approached my house, let me tell you, the color was amber, yellow, red. The orb did not glare or hurt our eyes to look at. I shut my window yet my blinds were still open and we stopped screaming. It hovered directly in front of my house for about 30 seconds, it seemed to be on the streetlight, but not physically harming anything. The orb then shot off, so fast, to left of my neighbors house into the feild behind our houses. The streetlight was out for a moment and then flickered gradually back to on. I opened my window and we were leaning out onto the roof for just one more glipse of this unknown object. The feild was alight, a glow coming from it and turning everything sepia colored around us. We felt so calm, and like we wanted to see "them" communicate with "them". It was a tranquil feeling, like everything would be alright.
We were listening to a mix cd that had seemed to stop playing throughout this experience. We sat on my bed in awe and a song startled us a bit, from just starting to play. The lyrics are what may have alerted us, "Something tells me this isn't real, something tells me not to care."
That is really how we felt, you know? Ironic, along with the fact that the cd was made that day and we just happened upon that song.
We left my window open for awhile trying to get just one more sighting, just to feel that almost comforting, calm, and tranquil feeling again.
What has brought me to giving my experience to Mufon, is that I've seen more unexplained events afterwards. Orbs that turn into airplanes, some star treck/star wars looking craft hovering above a feild just 15 feet above the ground and rising slowly. I have NEVER seen white owls until after my first experience. I know how stupid it sounds but research I've done makes me believe owls have something more to them. I mean I've seen 7 owls take off my roof uniformly, in a V-shape towards where I saw the first amber orb. Shortly after they were out of sight I saw a white orb, in the same spot as the amber one, flight to to same highth in the sky, turn amber and almost flatten to disappear. I watched for about an hour and it did not go down my street this time, unfortunately.
There are very many witnesses to these owls, and a friend of my sister, who experienced the Phoenix Light Phenomena (amber orbs) in the nineties has had strange dreams and experiences since moving to Stanislas County.
Friend's of mine, and people I don't even know have reported seeing these amber orbs. In daytime, nightime, dusk, dawn, twighlight. Everyday school kids are seeing the orbs that turn into airplanes, a new one every week.
I actually saw one while trying to describe them to one of my friends, sitting in his car around the coner from my house one night. He saw this also. My sister and her boyfriend said they had seen a strange airplane at the same time I had when I got home, they had asked me before I had said anything if I had seen it.
So many multiplying strange events have happend since the first.
An amber orb following my sister's boyfriend home from work, just twenty feet above his truck and mimicking his speed, almost messing with him. He felt calm, and in awe.
So many similar, strange and unexplainable events. I don't know what to think anymore. I really think Mufon should reasearch this area of california. I REALLY do. Sightings and experiences are increasing as the year ends, I can't wait to see what is in store for our nation in 2007.
I have never experienced a UFO or unexplainable event until 2010, and it is no shock that I found out it is the year for ufo's in california.
We are infested.
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