Friday, December 24, 2010

Political spin and Extra-terrestrial disclosure - Shaping public opinion for 'First contact' with the ETs


There has been a worldwide suppression of a secret extraterrestrial presence on Earth for at least 50 years from the general public and most elected public officials. The official public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has long been speculated to be imminent. The repeated delays have led to much uncertainty over when the secret extraterrestrial presence will eventually be disclosed. Some whistleblowers persuasively argue that once international terrorism fails to be a credible justification for the vast military expenditures by the U.S. military, then military-intelligence agencies will turn to the extraterrestrial presence to justify such expenditure. However, rather than ‘when’ being the critical issue to be decided, it appears that the more difficult issue is ‘how’ the extraterrestrial presence will be disclosed or ‘politically spun’. The different scenarios of a first contact that have emerged into the public arena by various UFO researchers/whistleblowers point to a competition between and within government agencies for how ‘First Contact’ will be ‘spun’ for world-wide consumption. It appears that there are strong factional rivalries within clandestine organizations that respectively have their own favored contact scenario. It is these rivalries that best explain the long delay in public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.

Preparing for ‘First Contact’ is a means of understanding the full extent of the extraterrestrial presence, the accompanying secrecy that has accompanied this, and being ready for a ‘First Contact’ event that firmly transforms human life on Earth. There are, however, a number of contact scenarios that put a particular ‘spin’ on the extraterrestrial presence that would allow clandestine national security agencies to continue to control extraterrestrial affairs in a secret and undemocratic manner. Significant changes in public opinion of extraterrestrials can be attributed not just to alleged extraterrestrial behavior and spontaneous changes in public attitudes, but to a secret competition between different factions of the ‘shadow government’ promoting perceptions that support a particular First Contact scenario that best permits their continued influence and power. Beginning in the months of October/November 2003, an alternative scenario began circulating on the World Wide Web that has led to the emergence of a new actor in how public opinion is being shaped for a ‘First Contact’ event. This new actor is outside of the mass media system that is largely controlled by a small number of elites associated with management groups of extraterrestrial affairs, and appears to be solely a result of a spontaneous global response to ‘when’ and ‘how’ First Contact should occur. In what follows, I examine three First Contact scenarios that have varying degrees of support and can be considered most likely to occur. Finally, I examine how public opinion is being shaped in ways that promote particular First Contact scenarios, and the respective roles of extraterrestrials, national security agencies, UFO/exopolitics researchers, and the general public.

For the detailed paper, visit

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