Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lights over Kalmykia, Russia - president to write book on UFO

Elista - Hundreds of locals claim to have seen a triangle of rotating circles in the skies of Elista, the capital of Russia's southern Republic of Kalmykia.
According to RT, the sightings have been seen by hundreds of locals every ten days this month, and if true, would make the next sighting on New Year’s Day. The last sighting was on December 22. Spotlights over a shopping center is the apparent reason. But in another twist, the President of the Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, claims to have been abducted by aliens from a Moscow apartment, in 1997. RT reports Ilyumzhinov saying they are a friendly type, and are not ready to meet humans. He remembers walking through a long tunnel that led to a space ship, where he met aliens in yellow spacesuits. In an interview with New York Times on November 18, 2010, he says that “it is no coincidence that every year NASA registers over 4,000 contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.” He plans to write about his experience, releasing the book in the United States in 2011. The multi-millionaire wrote an autobiography twelve years ago, with chaptert titles such as "Without Me the People Are Incomplete", "I Become a Millionaire," and "It Only Takes Two Weeks to Have a Man Killed". He is also the President of FIDE (or the "World Chess Federation") and believes that chess is a gift from the extraterrestrial. According to RadioLiberty or RFE/RL, Ilyumzhinov was stepping down from office in September 2010, after 17 years of rule. Kalmykia, population of 300,000, is one of Russia's poorer regions. Ilyumzhinov has faced fierce opposition to his eccentric rule, which his opponents say was marred by corruption and gross mismanagement. But according to Wikipedia, he is still president. The Guardian reports that Kalmykia is the only Buddhist region in Europe, populated mostly by descendants of the Golden Horde that never returned home after the Mongol Khans retreated from Russia. The politician who is not afraid to talk about aliens, feels we are not alone.


The best of New-Zealand's UFO files: Alien writing, masks and ships

New Zealand's Air Force has just released over 2,000 pages of previously classified documents pertaining to UFO sightings and alien encounters. Including descriptions of aliens that wear "pharaoh masks," and a sample of alien writing.

After weeding through hundreds of pages of the New Zealand Air Force's alien goodness, we've rounded-up a few choice entries. First up is a video recording of an alien sighting (picked up by the Telegraph):

Next is a collection of alien writing, or some sort of communication technique. One thing is for certain: these aliens have sloppy penmanship.

Drawings of alien abductions and UFO encounters:

Interviews with people involved in the 1978 Kaikoura sightings, which can be accessed here , thanks to UFO Eyes.

Aliens sporting Pharaoh masks, and a separate species that wears over 440 (UK) size shoes. The large-shoe-wearing alien also had a message: that "You will remain in hydrogen form for 150 years. Then it will change to sodium." Read into that what you will.

Check out the entire collection of files over at UFO EYES.


Strange sighting above Adelaide, Australia

(This footage is not related to the one spotted on December 7 2010.)

ADELAIDE is under alien attack - at least that is what thousands of UFO chasers want us to believe.

Footage of unexplained lights in the skies over Adelaide captured on December 7 has sparked debate between thousands of believers and sceptics on YouTube.

The footage, which runs for 76 minutes, has even prompted one cyber expert to proclaim governments are withholding secret intelligence that proves humans are not alone in the universe and D-day is tomorrow.

"I know what I saw and it was very real. This is no joke guys!" a comment on the YouTube footage says.

"I've seen a page saying governments have until December 31 to tell the world, otherwise star nations will initiate a series of open, public, dramatically obvious demonstrations of presence, such that the government will be compelled to publicly acknowledge star visitors."

The video has been viewed more than 55,000 times.

One non-believer offered an explanation to the December 7 UFO sighting, posted by FluffyJet Productions.

The non-believer posted a video last week of a Pulselite unit being used on a plane and said such warning devices are now used on some planes landing in Adelaide to avoid bird strikes.

Adelaide Airport general manager of corporate affairs John McArdle said Pulselite units were used on aircraft flying over Adelaide.

Mystery solved?


Southern Russia becomes an attraction for aliens?

Unidentified flying objects began to appear in the sky above the city of Elista, the capital of the Kalmykia Republic (Southern Russia), in December of the outgoing year. The former head of the republic once claimed that he had personally met and communicated with extraterrestrial beings clad in yellow spacesuits. The official urged everyone not to be ashamed of speaking about the aliens in public.

Click here to see the video

In December of 2010, hundreds of Elista residents could see UFOs appearing in the sky above their heads every ten days of the month, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote. The most recent sighting took place on December 22: eyewitnesses said they saw two concentric circles in the sky from 3 to 7 p.m. local time. The inner circle was rotating clockwise, and the outer one was rotating anticlockwise. Others could see a triangle object with beams of light coming from it.

The two sightings were filmed, and the footage was shown on local television. Reporters said that it could be earth-like atmospheric phenomena, but they promised to investigate the incident thoroughly.

Many residents of Elista treated the phenomenon seriously. The former head of the republic, a multi-millionaire businessman, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, said he was not surprised about the UFO appearing above the city. Such incidents, the official said, would continue to occur not only in Kalmykia, but in other territories of the Russian Federation too.

"They appear everywhere now. They appear near Moscow, above Moscow, and in many other territories. NASA documents over 4,000 UFO sightings every year. They even now have the ambassador for extraterrestrial contact at the United Nations," Ilyumzhinov, who currently serves as the president of the World Chess Federation said.

According to the official, the present-day faith in aliens is just as natural for people as the faith in gods and supernatural forces that was widely spread thousands of years ago. If you do not believe in aliens, this only demonstrates your arrogance and selfishness, the official said.

"Aliens told me: "You, humans, have not contributed anything to the development of the civilization, and you are cannibals. Isn't this a manifestation of madness - being a cannibal?" the newspaper quoted the official as saying.

Scientists can not give any clear explanation to the "atmospheric phenomenon" in the sky above Elista. Badma Mikhalayev, the chairman of the theoretical physics department of the Kalmyk State University, did not exclude the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, although, he added, the circles in the sky above Elista could not be treated as a proof for those civilizations to exist.

Russian ufologist Gennady Belimov stated that the mysterious phenomenon above Elista was not the only UFO sighting in Russia's Nizhnevolzhsky region during the recent days.

A female resident of the town of Volzhsky in the Volgograd region told the ufologist that she saw a "rainbow ribbon" around the Moon at night of December 20. Other eyewitnesses said that the sighting lasted for some 30 minutes.

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov gave an interview about his encounter with extraterrestrials to Russia's well-known journalist Vladimir Pozner in the spring of this year. On September 18 1997, he came to his Moscow apartment, read a book, watched TV and was about to fall asleep when he heard someone opening the door of his balcony.

When Ilyumzhinov came up to the balcony, he saw a large semitransparent tube there. He entered the tube and saw human-like creatures in yellow spacesuits there. The communication with them took place with the power of thought, because "there was not enough oxygen inside." The aliens turned out to be rather friendly: they gave Ilyumzhinov a tour of their spaceship and then let him go. They told him that they were not prepared to contact the rest of mankind yet.

Several days after the interview, Andrey Lebedev, a deputy of the State Duma, sent an address to the Russian president requesting an investigation be conducted into Ilyumzhinov's statements. Lebedev said that the Kalmyk official was "concealing something" and could deliver secret information to humanoids when touring their spaceship.


'Elegant' orb hovers low over California home

Two witnesses in Stanislaus County report watching an orb that hovered at times between 50 and 20 feet in the air after midnight on August 16, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The two were smoking at an open window on the second floor of a home in a new development that faces the Stanislaus River when they originally noticed the orb moving into the air and then stopping at a distance of 50 feet off of the ground.

"We watched it hover for about a minute. The only way to describe its movements is perfect, precise, elegant as it started to 'float' or 'hover' towards my neighborhood," the reporting witness stated.

The object was lost to sight behind a neighbor's home and they thought the event was over - but the object appeared again.

"Only this time hovering symmetrically, parallel to the road and towards my house. It was only about 20 feet in the air and slow."

They observed three colors on the orb as it moved.

"As the object approached my house, let me tell you, the color was amber, yellow, red. The orb did not glare or hurt our eyes to look at. I shut my window yet my blinds were still open and we stopped screaming. It hovered directly in front of my house for about 30 seconds, it seemed to be on the streetlight, but not physically harming anything. The orb then shot off, so fast, to left of my neighbors house into the field behind our houses. The streetlight was out for a moment and then flickered gradually back to on. I opened my window and we were leaning out onto the roof for just one more glimpse of this unknown object. The field was alight, a glow coming from it and turning everything sepia colored around us. We felt so calm, and like we wanted to see "them" communicate with "them". It was a tranquil feeling, like everything would be alright."

The witness also describes other odd events in the same area, commenting that the area should be investigated as it is "infested."

No images or video were attached to the report, which was filed on December 27, 2010. Stanislaus County in located in California's Central Valley, population 446,997. We recently covered the orb story, 2006: 'Intelligent' orb floats within 10 feet of witnesses.

California is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a higher number of UFO sightings nationally.
California had 65 UFO sighting reports in November 2010 and 40 in October.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If California MUFON investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

CA, August 16, 2010 - My bestfriend and I were leaning out my window staring at the night sky and an orb shot straight up into the sky and made its way to my house. MUFON Case # 27138.

My bestfriend Stephanie and I went to the movies one night and came home around twelve. We got ready for bed, went to my room on the second story of my house and opened up my window to look at the night sky and smoke a couple cigarettes as we do sometimes before we sleep. My house is in a new development, the development was built on what used to be a bunch of farms, a couple ranches still surrounding. My house is in the coner of the development, I have no neighbors to the right and only one to the left, a house slightly smaller than our own. Feilds surround our houses, very little light obstucts the night sky, it is always a very clear veiw.

Anyways, we're staring off towards where the stanislaus river would be, enjoying our smokes and an orb shoots into the sky, perfectly. About 50 feet staight up and stops. We watch it hover for about a minute, the only way to describe it's movements is perfect, precise, elegant as it started to "float" or "hover" towards my neighborhood. It went behind a couple houses beyond our veiw and we thought "oh, well that was it" and continued with our smokes.

Still staring down my street and into the sky a bit in awe of what we had seen a deep eerie silence took to the surroundings,and it appears again. Only this time hovering symetrically, parallel to the road and towards my house. It was only about 20 feet in the air and slow. Of course, we started screaming the closer it got. LOUD! My sister was in the room right next to us, her bed directly on the other side of the wall where mine was. She had gone to bed. I am positive she did not have enough time to reach sleep, let alone a deep sleep. She did not wake up from our screaming. Neither did my parents, who were just down the hall and sleep with their door wide open. It was completely silent except for our terror.

As the object approached my house, let me tell you, the color was amber, yellow, red. The orb did not glare or hurt our eyes to look at. I shut my window yet my blinds were still open and we stopped screaming. It hovered directly in front of my house for about 30 seconds, it seemed to be on the streetlight, but not physically harming anything. The orb then shot off, so fast, to left of my neighbors house into the feild behind our houses. The streetlight was out for a moment and then flickered gradually back to on. I opened my window and we were leaning out onto the roof for just one more glipse of this unknown object. The feild was alight, a glow coming from it and turning everything sepia colored around us. We felt so calm, and like we wanted to see "them" communicate with "them". It was a tranquil feeling, like everything would be alright.

We were listening to a mix cd that had seemed to stop playing throughout this experience. We sat on my bed in awe and a song startled us a bit, from just starting to play. The lyrics are what may have alerted us, "Something tells me this isn't real, something tells me not to care."

That is really how we felt, you know? Ironic, along with the fact that the cd was made that day and we just happened upon that song.

We left my window open for awhile trying to get just one more sighting, just to feel that almost comforting, calm, and tranquil feeling again.

What has brought me to giving my experience to Mufon, is that I've seen more unexplained events afterwards. Orbs that turn into airplanes, some star treck/star wars looking craft hovering above a feild just 15 feet above the ground and rising slowly. I have NEVER seen white owls until after my first experience. I know how stupid it sounds but research I've done makes me believe owls have something more to them. I mean I've seen 7 owls take off my roof uniformly, in a V-shape towards where I saw the first amber orb. Shortly after they were out of sight I saw a white orb, in the same spot as the amber one, flight to to same highth in the sky, turn amber and almost flatten to disappear. I watched for about an hour and it did not go down my street this time, unfortunately.

There are very many witnesses to these owls, and a friend of my sister, who experienced the Phoenix Light Phenomena (amber orbs) in the nineties has had strange dreams and experiences since moving to Stanislas County.

Friend's of mine, and people I don't even know have reported seeing these amber orbs. In daytime, nightime, dusk, dawn, twighlight. Everyday school kids are seeing the orbs that turn into airplanes, a new one every week.

I actually saw one while trying to describe them to one of my friends, sitting in his car around the coner from my house one night. He saw this also. My sister and her boyfriend said they had seen a strange airplane at the same time I had when I got home, they had asked me before I had said anything if I had seen it.

So many multiplying strange events have happend since the first.

An amber orb following my sister's boyfriend home from work, just twenty feet above his truck and mimicking his speed, almost messing with him. He felt calm, and in awe.

So many similar, strange and unexplainable events. I don't know what to think anymore. I really think Mufon should reasearch this area of california. I REALLY do. Sightings and experiences are increasing as the year ends, I can't wait to see what is in store for our nation in 2007.

I have never experienced a UFO or unexplainable event until 2010, and it is no shock that I found out it is the year for ufo's in california.

We are infested.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Darwin UFO was actually a US spy plane

THE Coconut Grove UFO sighting last week of a black flying triangle with lights on its side may have been a not-so-secret US government spy aircraft, another witness of lights in the Darwin sky says.

Peter McVean said he was out with his dog "wetting a line" when he saw four evenly-spaced noiseless lights in the sky off the East Arm pontoon about 8.45pm on Boxing Day.

"The first two were spaced exactly the same distance apart as the last two but there was slightly larger distance between the first pair and the following pair."

He said they disappeared for a while as it was overcast. After about seven seconds they disappeared over the horizon just forward of the Wickham plant.

"There was no noise," Mr McVean said."I just saw what I saw. I am not saying it was a UFO."

Did you see anything strange in the sky?

Melbourne residents reported seeing strange lights in similar "triangular-shaped" arrangements near the Melbourne Airport about 10.15pm on Christmas Eve, according to the Herald Sun.

Witnesses reported seeing "orange lights that formed a diamond and moved in a synchronised pattern". Resident David Bekesi, 52, said the lights were visible for several minutes before disappearing.

A man in Rockingham, Western Australia, also recorded footage of a triangle-shaped object with lights on its sides and posted it on YouTube last Wednesday night, December 22.

Mr McVean said, however, last week's Coconut Grove sighting had the hallmarks of the "US military's worst kept secrets" black aircraft production. These are aircraft projects not acknowledged publicly by the US government or military.

The NT News was also contacted by another witness, Maryanne, who said she heard something strange at her Humpty Doo home, in Darwin's rural area, about 2am last Wednesday.

"It was a noise like a whirring noise," she said.

"I heard it come down, I thought 'Wow, that's low'.

"I thought there is no way that is not going to crash.

"It was really loud.

"I heard an electronic noise, like a noise I probably haven't heard before."

She said it hovered for between 30 seconds and a minute. She could not see it because her wide verandas obscured the sky.

"It was definitely something. It didn't sound like the engine of any type of plane I have heard before."


Interview with Astronaut Cnl. Gordon Cooper about his encounters with UFOs

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mystery lights 'similar' to 1978

Mysterious "orangey and reddish lights" spotted in skies above Napier, Taranaki and Christchurch were a day too late to be Santa's sleigh but could they be UFOs?

Reports of strange objects in the sky on Boxing Day have been made in three separate locations, with the first sighting of the moving orange lights in Taranaki on Sunday night.

However, the Canterbury Astronomical Society is convinced the Christchurch lights were satellites.

In Hawera, Allan White and his family spotted the "bright orange light" moving towards them about 9.40pm, before heading south.

They watched the light for about five minutes, and once it had disappeared began questioning whether or not it was a UFO.

"I just thought it was a bright orange light in the sky and then it started moving towards us," Mr White said. "After it flew past, there were half a dozen adults there, we all considered it could have been a UFO. Nobody had seen anything like that before."

Each witness could make out flashing lights on the object as it made its way across the sky.

Soon afterwards, Fraser Duncan, a graphics tutor from the Eastern Institute of Technology, said he was "stunned" when he saw four orange lights crossing the sky above Napier just before 10pm. The lights were flying soundlessly in formation towards the South Island. "I have never seen anything like this in my life. It was definitely not a plane, not a meteor and not stars."

To add to the mystery, a TVNZ cameraman who filmed the 1978 UFO sightings near Kaikoura reported seeing the unexplained lights at 10.30pm the same night.

Lloyd McFadden, then 27, filmed the lights near Kaikoura.

Sunday night's sighting happened above his home in Redwood, Christchurch. He said he saw 10 lights travelling slowly in formation, without any noise.

"There was absolutely no sound and they were flying too slow to be an aircraft. I would really like to know what they were."

The lights were similar to the unexplained Kaikoura lights that he filmed more than 30 years ago.

"I couldn't give an explanation about what they were, but I would dearly love to know. I think it would more likely be a natural phenomenon or have something to do with earthquake activity than aliens from outer space."

Mr McFadden's wife Ina also saw the lights.

"All you could see was orangey and reddish lights, like fireballs. They were moving at a steady pace and went right over the top of us. There was no noise at all.


UFO spotted in Darwin

A UFO said to look like a secret Area 51 government plane shown on YouTube was seen last week by a Darwin man.

The man, who wanted only to be known as Brian, said he was having a beer and a smoke outside his unit in Sunset Drv about 9.30pm on Thursday when he saw a large, black flying triangle with lights on the side.

"I thought it was a plane but all it made was humming sounds," he said.

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"It was maybe at the third level of my unit block just hovering and gliding.

"I wish I had my phone, my iPhone to record it."

This year in the Territory there have been many UFO sightings, and rumours British pop star Robbie Williams had bought a property at Daly Waters so he could pursue his passion for UFO spotting. There were seven sightings in a week in April.

This may be unusual with high-profile Acacia Hills UFO spotter Alan Ferguson having said they usually visit the Territory in the dry.

Thus it rates a three - Was it a shooting star? Or could it be something more sinister? - on the GerryMeter, named after political powerhouse Gerry Wood.

In telling his yarn, Brian reluctantly admitted he had ducked outside to "to use the toilet".

"I'd mistaken it for a lamp post.

"I was relieving myself in the garden and I looked ahead and saw a light, then the light dropped a little, it was moving and I thought it was a plane and I was waiting for the roar of the engine and it was just humming."

"I look up YouTube sometimes, and under Area 51 airplanes there is a triangle one... it was much like that."

He said there were about three bright, white lights on either side and one on the tip of the triangle which was about 20m across as it hovered for about 20 seconds.

"If anything what they have on YouTube is down pat, it was like secret government plane," he said.

Police said they had no reports of any other sightings.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Opinion: Gandhi's quote

Mohandas K Gandhi's famous quote:

"There is enough on earth for everyone's need. But there isn't enough on earth for everyone's greed."


"There is more than enough in this galaxy for every critter's greed"

Let's face it. We all know, that our planet itself is one tight ship. Not everyone can afford food every day, let alone afford a car, a house or a private aircraft to travel from one country to another without any delays. We've all had our ears full of it since preschool, starting with this classic anecdote of a greedy dog that loses its loaf of bread to a reflection in the river.

Every luxury costs money we don't always have. It's because these luxuries, come from earthly materials that everybody else wants (I am talking economics-for-dummies here). You pay more for fuel every day because its rapidly depleting around the world. You pay more for food everyday because there are more hungry people, and less land to grow them on. Soon, you may have to pay for fresh air simply because there is not enough of it left on this planet. People are already capitalizing on it by calling it "therapeutic". In nutshell, our planet, one day will become so full and overcrowded, life itself will no longer be worth living, to most people!

But what if that could be changed? Let's say, you found a way to survive the harsh, dryness of the Sahara. What if you could grow food on the south pole? Wouldn't you want to capitalize on it? Wouldn't it create a sudden abundance of it? In fact, something similar happened to many nations in the early 19th century. It's called oil, remember?

Now, what if you could extend this to nearby planets. We could mine iron from mars, strike oil on the moon, or find large quantities of Uranium on an Asteroid nearby! We could establish cities on the vast emptiness of space, build factories without worrying about pollution and thrive! Such, are the possibilities of extra-terrestrial colonization. Doing this will create jobs, give rise to new cultures, make new technological inventions , find cures to deadly diseases, open markets for virtually every verb spoken on the planet and ultimately make our world exponentially more exciting! And all this can be done without depriving another living being of its possessions; something that has rarely been done back here on earth.

Mind you, none of this is my idea. It's a collective result of my showing interest in Extra-terrestrial life.

PS: Just another highlight on why I find ET more and more interesting.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Milk Hill UFO incident, 1990 - Strange ball of light

The below footage shows an aerial footage of a strange ball of light floating above the fields.

Here's the description of the video posted by the publisher:-

"On July 29th 1990, I filmed a ball of light close to two crop circles near to Milk Hill in Wiltshire. This was the first time that a ball of light had been filmed close to crop circles.
The ball of light came into view and dropped into the crop. At the time I thought it might be a bird or a balloon, or something else mundane. But it became clear after a while that it was something more bizarre! The light moved through the crop flashing and glinting (like sunlight reflecting off of tin foil) The light at times was very intense! Eventually the light took off and flew towards a tractor driver in the distance. As the ball of light flew over the tractor, the tractor stopped. Eventually the ball of light went off into the distance.
The tractor driver was interviewed about five months after the incident, and he said he remembered that day, and the ball of light which he saw fly over him. He said that it was as big as a beach ball and was glinting and flashing! He said that he does remember that the engine stopped as the light went over the tractor. At the time of the incident he did hot know that I was filming from my vantage point on Milk Hill.
When he informed his boss at the farm, and his friends of what he saw , he was not taken seriously and was laughed at. When the film of the event was put out to the public, it confirmed that he had indeed seen something that was very strange indeed.
Since that day many people have filmed similar objects in and around crop circles. I filmed another one in 2009, which shot into the floor lay of the formation at Morgan's Hill in Wiltshire. What these objects are is still unknown. They seem to move with propose, and seem to have some kind of intelligence. Some people believe that they are connected to the creation of the crop circles.
I think there is a connection, but what it is seems unclear. If these balls of light do not make crop circles, then they do seem attracted to them for whatever reason.
Steve Alexander January 2010

Political spin and Extra-terrestrial disclosure - Shaping public opinion for 'First contact' with the ETs


There has been a worldwide suppression of a secret extraterrestrial presence on Earth for at least 50 years from the general public and most elected public officials. The official public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence has long been speculated to be imminent. The repeated delays have led to much uncertainty over when the secret extraterrestrial presence will eventually be disclosed. Some whistleblowers persuasively argue that once international terrorism fails to be a credible justification for the vast military expenditures by the U.S. military, then military-intelligence agencies will turn to the extraterrestrial presence to justify such expenditure. However, rather than ‘when’ being the critical issue to be decided, it appears that the more difficult issue is ‘how’ the extraterrestrial presence will be disclosed or ‘politically spun’. The different scenarios of a first contact that have emerged into the public arena by various UFO researchers/whistleblowers point to a competition between and within government agencies for how ‘First Contact’ will be ‘spun’ for world-wide consumption. It appears that there are strong factional rivalries within clandestine organizations that respectively have their own favored contact scenario. It is these rivalries that best explain the long delay in public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.

Preparing for ‘First Contact’ is a means of understanding the full extent of the extraterrestrial presence, the accompanying secrecy that has accompanied this, and being ready for a ‘First Contact’ event that firmly transforms human life on Earth. There are, however, a number of contact scenarios that put a particular ‘spin’ on the extraterrestrial presence that would allow clandestine national security agencies to continue to control extraterrestrial affairs in a secret and undemocratic manner. Significant changes in public opinion of extraterrestrials can be attributed not just to alleged extraterrestrial behavior and spontaneous changes in public attitudes, but to a secret competition between different factions of the ‘shadow government’ promoting perceptions that support a particular First Contact scenario that best permits their continued influence and power. Beginning in the months of October/November 2003, an alternative scenario began circulating on the World Wide Web that has led to the emergence of a new actor in how public opinion is being shaped for a ‘First Contact’ event. This new actor is outside of the mass media system that is largely controlled by a small number of elites associated with management groups of extraterrestrial affairs, and appears to be solely a result of a spontaneous global response to ‘when’ and ‘how’ First Contact should occur. In what follows, I examine three First Contact scenarios that have varying degrees of support and can be considered most likely to occur. Finally, I examine how public opinion is being shaped in ways that promote particular First Contact scenarios, and the respective roles of extraterrestrials, national security agencies, UFO/exopolitics researchers, and the general public.

For the detailed paper, visit

Cigar UFO follows orange spheres over Florida

Two Florida witnesses watched four "glowing orange spheres" move slowly from west to east that were followed by a "bright, cigar or cylinder-shaped object moving to the east" on December 22, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The first two spheres "disappeared completely," but the third and fourth spheres "continued on thier path to the east until they were out of sight."

Then the cylinder-shaped object appeared.

"I saw a bright cigar/cylinder shaped object moving to the east, but much closer to me and going in a slightly southern direction. I yelled for my son to come out and as he did he was able to see it also before it was obscured by a large tree just down the street. It was a full moon, so I was able to see this thing clearly."

The witness described the object.

"It had a sort of quicksilver look to it and I was able to make out a row of square shaped windows that were illuminated. Looked to be 4 or 5 windows and I could see the pillars between them. There were no blinking lights or colored lights at all. Just white light coming from the windows and the moon light reflecting off the outside of it. There were no wings, and it made no sound. I did not see any type of vapor trail or any obvious method of propulsion. I was just there, moving across the sky at a rapid rate, until we lost sight of it. I estimate the entire event was no more than 3 minutes from first seeing the orange spheres until the end when the silver craft went behind the tree."

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on December 23, 2010. No photos or video were included with the report.

Florida is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a higher number of UFO sightings nationally.
Florida had 38 UFO sighting reports in November 2010 and 37 in October.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Florida MUFON State Director G. Bland Pugh investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

FL, December 22, 2010 - 4 glowing orange spheres followed by a silver cigar/cylinder shape with windows. MUFON Case # 27076.

I was standing in my driveway admireing my neighbors x-mas lights when I first noticed 2 glowing orange spheres in the north sky. They were moving slowly from West to East.

Then suddenly, 2 more spheres appeared behind the first 2, traveling in the same direction.

I pointed them out to my son, who is 20. As we watched, the first 2 spheres disappeared completely, but the second 2 spheres continued on thier path to the East until they were out of sight. We stood there for a minute or so trying to figure out what we had seen. My son decided to go back in the house, but I stayed outside.

Suddenly, from the West, I saw a bright cigar/cylinder shaped object moving to the East, but much closer to me and going in a slightly southern direction. I yelled for my son to come out and as he did he was able to see it also before it was obscured by a large tree just down the street. It was a full moon, so I was able to see this thing clearly.

It had a sort of quicksilver look to it and I was able to make out a row of square shaped windows that were illuminated.

Looked to be 4 or 5 windows and I could see the pillars between them. There were no blinking lights or colored lights at all. Just white light coming from the windows and the moon light reflecting off the outside of it. There were no wings, and it made no sound. I did not see any type of vapor trail or any obvious method of propulsion. I was just there, moving across the sky at a rapid rate, until we lost sight of it. I estimate the entire event was no more than 3 mins from first seeing the orange spheres until the end when the silver craft went behind the tree.

I did notice another neighbor in thier yard right after this and I went down to ask them if they had seen this thing. They said no, they had been working on x-mas lights and had not noticed anything unusual.

I was pretty freaked out by it, and did not sleep much last night. I got up several times to look out the window to see what was out there. Nothing else happened. I got up this morning and decided to make a report to MUFON.


The Fermi Paradox

Italian physicist Enrico Fermi suggested in the 1950s that if technologically advanced civilizations are common in the universe, then they should be detectable in one way or another. (According to those who were there,[32] Fermi either asked "Where are they?" or "Where is everybody?")

The Fermi paradox can be stated more completely as follows:

The size and age of the universe incline us to believe that many technologically advanced civilizations must exist. However, this belief seems logically inconsistent with our lack of observational evidence to support it. Either (1) the initial assumption is incorrect and technologically advanced intelligent life is much rarer than we believe, or (2) our current observations are incomplete and we simply have not detected them yet, or (3) our search methodologies are flawed and we are not searching for the correct indicators.

Possible explanations for the paradox suggest, for example, that while simple life may well be abundant in the universe, intelligent life may be exceedingly rare. In 2000, Peter Ward, professor of Biology and of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington authored a book claiming the Rare Earth hypothesis. In short, the theory claims that the emergence of complex multicellular life (metazoa) on Earth required an extremely unlikely combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances. This hypothesis contradicts the principle of mediocrity, which SETI takes as an assumption.

Another suggestion, made by astrophysicist Ray Norris in 2000[33] (and subsequently by Allen Tough[34]) was that gamma-ray burst events are sufficiently frequent to sterilize vast swaths of galactic real-estate. This idea was subsequently popularized by physicist Arnon Dar, and described in the show Death Star on PBS Nova.[35]

Science writer Timothy Ferris has posited that since galactic societies are most likely only transitory, an obvious solution is an interstellar communications network, or a type of library consisting mostly of automated systems. They would store the cumulative knowledge of vanished civilizations and communicate that knowledge through the galaxy. Ferris calls this the "Interstellar Internet", with the various automated systems acting as network "servers".

If such an Interstellar Internet exists, the hypothesis states, communications between servers are mostly through narrow-band, highly directional radio or laser links. Intercepting such signals is, as discussed earlier, very difficult. However, the network could maintain some broadcast nodes in hopes of making contact with new civilizations.

Although somewhat dated in terms of "information culture" arguments, not to mention the obvious technological problems of a system that could work effectively for billions of years and requires multiple lifeforms agreeing on certain basics of communications technologies, this hypothesis is actually testable (see below).

An alternate hypothesis is that evolutionary pressures in many environments favor species which rapidly consume available resources once they achieve dominance. By the time they have achieved sufficient technology to come to the notice of other civilizations, they are already well on their way to exhausting the resources of their host planet. Therefore the time period available for communication is finite, and very small compared with planetary timescales.

Source: Wikipedia

Opinion: What might be going on?

I didn't really watch the entire "UFO disclosure project" video, but based on what I've seen so far, (and everything else I've seen on the internet), it seems obvious that our visitors, if any, are trying hard to catch our attention.

Why? I have a handful of possible reasons why they'd do so; all of which depend on the possible situation on their side. Here's a brief one for you:-

1) They are just looking for a refuge:

Mind you, this may sound like something straight out of the 1980s, comedy TV series ALF but this is what I could conjure up with my limited thinking power. It is likely, that for some reason, their world (a planet, a star cluster or an entire galaxy of civilization) is in danger. What we're seeing, is a tiny group of refugees trying to blend in and become one among us.

2) A larger society is out in the universe, and they're trying to be friendly

This has been happening in human history all the time. An explorer finds a new land, brings his friends to that land and hopes to make friends with the locals. Sometimes he fails, other times, he succeeds.

This is how the Europeans entered the new world. This is also how the British, entered India! Today, the red Indians are Americans, and the Indians speak English.

A simple analogy. What would the government of your country do, if it discovered a primitive independent tribe somewhere in its territory which has got something unique to contribute? Naturally, the tribe would be hostile to any outsiders, but would you be hostile to them?

3) This is just reconnaissance. The main assault is waiting.

This possibility would be humanity's worst nightmare. What if the visitors are merely sloppy at stealth recon? Or perhaps they're trying to assess human hostility? Perhaps, they're strategizing a full-scale assault? Perhaps, they're looking for secure locations to establish beachheads. Whatever it is, this-is-not-good.

4) Multiple factions of visitors, warring with each other for unknown reasons:

A very distinct possibility. Anybody (at least, any sapient being) would want to be subtle in settling their disputes when they're at somebody else's home. Maybe, there are more factions or species of visitors out there than we'd imagine. Could they be competing for space? Could there be mutiny amongst them? When survival is their priority, I doubt if subtlety would even be the least of their concerns.

This leads us to another obvious question. Knowing how real UFOs are, why is humanity's response the way it is right now?

I will be posting my opinions on that in the next post. Until then, I have a lot of researching to do. So do you. Until then, ta ta.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

UFO disclosure project - Full version!

It appears, this video has been around for a while. I am speechless right now, so I suggest you just watch it and decide whatever you want, for yourself.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Opinion: UFO attack in Madhya Pradesh?

"Sanalakedha"? "Namada valley"? "Many Indian scientists are now certain that a UFO/alien base exists in the area."

Inaccuracy and lack of detail like this, is rife in UFO reports. Thanks to shoddy reporting like these, a real possibility of ET visitors isn't taken seriously anymore. Initially, when I found the article, I was shocked. But within a few moments of reading it, I began smelling a rat. How come its the only article showing up on the internet when I google it? How come I never saw anything on paper today? It's bad enough, when people falsely report such sightings to legitimate news agencies but it's even worse when people conjure up stories from absolutely nowhere and claim to have investigated it posing as journalists themselves.

Remember, I will post both news and rumors in this blog. And as of this moment, I believe, that report is a farce. Let's hope some more headlines about this turn up soon.

Cloud? UFO? Halo? Sight baffles Muscovites.

Millions of residents in Moscow witnessed a strange bright ring-shaped cloud hanging over the cities western districts on Wednesday. Scientists from the cities weather forecast service say there is nothing supernatural about it, however. Its a purely optical effect, even if a spectacular one. You can see really strange things if you watch the clouds regularly, Vesti24 TV channel, which published a mobile phone camera video sent to them by an eyewitness, cites the service. Several air fronts have passed Moscow recently, including an inflow of cold air from Arctic, and they combined to produce such a phenomenon, the source added.


UFO battle involving police in India!

A village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh was damaged by what has been described as a laser beam during a UFO attack.
Locals described a giant rotating blue craft hovering over their village for over fifteen minutes before shooting the laser at a rooftop, setting it alight. Police were called in response to the event and in one case opened fire at the UFO which zoomed off unharmed,
Local law enforcement agencies confirm that 24 hour patrols are now active in and around the affected village of Sanalakedha.
the event which occurred on Tuesday 14 December of this year had locals talking all Wednesday; many fearing more attacks.
The attack occurred in the vicinity of the Namada valley where ancient paintings of aliens and UFOs were recently found in a cave hidden in thick jungle.
This is also the area where a Government minister recently admitted he saw a UFO.
Many Indian scientists are now certain that a UFO/alien base exists in the area.


New Zealand UFO files released

The Air Force has released thousands of top secret papers collected about apparent UFO sightings in New Zealand.

There are more than 2000 pages of material that date back to the 1950s. They document files of correspondence on apparent sightings from 1952 to 2009.

The papers have been held by Archives New Zealand, which was set to make them available in February this year after requests from the public. They were originally supposed to be held until 2080.

The Defense Force said it needed to remove personal identification from the files in order to comply with the Privacy Act, and has now done that, deleting all names of military personnel.

Communications about sightings began in 1952 when they were described as UFOs - unidentified flying objects. Later they were called UAS - unidentified aerial sightings.

The files contain reports by sightings of private individuals and military personnel, investigations by Defence and other departments and agencies into these reports, newspaper clippings on UFOs and letters from individuals who claim to be in touch with alien beings and craft.

The redacted files are only in hard copy. They include communications about New Zealand's most famous footage, filmed 32 years ago - the mysterious lights near the Kaikoura Coast that were filmed by a TVNZ camera crew.

Papers show that investigators believe squid boat, atmospheric conditions and a possible meteor could have been behind the lights.

UFOCUS Director Suzanne Hansen, who has been investigating UFOs for more than 35 years, has been campaigning for the documents' release.

She said it was a step towards openness on the topic of UFOs. Hansen expects there will be some information on the Kaikoura lights sightings in the late 1970s.

She said she had witnessed numerous "sightings" in her life.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Slow moving Pennsylvania UFO under 600 feet

A Pennsylvania witness watched a slow moving object under 600 feet that silently crossed the sky with "four large, bright white lights and two blinking lights" on December 15, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The object was first observed moving about 5 mph and was "about 200 yards up" in the sky.

The witness stated that the object was larger than a plane.

"There were four large, bright, white lights and two blinking lights - one blue, the other red," the witness stated. "It continued to move very slowly and silently across the sky and as it approached the highway it sped up effortlessly to around 50 mph or so."

No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on December 20, 2010. No images or video were included with the report.

Pennsylvania is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a lower number of UFO sightings nationally.
Pennsylvania is on the UFO Watch List - with 13 UFO sighting reports in November 2010 and 24 in October.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 - 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Pennsylvania MUFON State Director John Ventre investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

PA, December 15, 2010 - Strange lights, object moving very slowly and silently across sky. MUFON Case # 27051.

I turned left off of Auction road went thru the covered bridge, turned right and saw an object in the sky. I thought at first a plane... looked a little harder and thought hhmmmm don't remember a cell tower being out here.

Got to a stop sign right by the Spooky Nook Golfplex and I sat there staring in the sky at the lights wondering what it was because they were to bright to be a cell tower's lights.

Sat there for a minute or two then the object began moving in my direction. Slowly too like 5 mph couldn't of been much faster than that at about 200 yards up or so (about the height of a cell tower) as it got closer I took out my cell phone but it's a piece of junk so I couldn't record anything I cracked the window to see if I could hear anything but there was no sound ZERO noise and this was a large object, to wide to be an airplane.

There were 4 large bright white lights and two blinking lights one blue the other red. It continued to move very slowly and silently across the sky and as it approached the highway it sped up effortlessly to around 50 mph or so.

I just sat there shaking my head trying to figure out what in the hell that could of been! All I know is no known man-made aircraft can move THAT slowly and with no sound across the sky.

Very very bizarre and I wish there was an answer for what that thing was other than U.F.O. I've never seen anything like that and I wasn't on drugs, drunk or hallucinating at the time either!!

I was relieved to hear that other sightings had occurred earlier that day but I haven't seen anything about lights at night.


Monday, December 20, 2010

UFO hunters claim alien incidents are 'US airmen covering up blunders'

UFO hunters claim that Britain's most famous aliens incident may have been caused by US airmen trying to cover up a major operational blunder.

There has been widespread and continuing belief that the mysterious lights and flying saucer seen in a remote forest next to a US Air Force base on Boxing Day 1980 were alien ships.

But now as the 30th anniversary of the bizarre incident approaches, locals have suggested the real explanation lies with an American helicopter crew who bungled the transfer of an Apollo space capsule and tried to cover it up with the UFO claim.

They believe the "alien spacecraft" was actually the crew pod from a space rocket which was accidentally dropped in Rendlesham Forest, Woodbridge, Suffolk by the helicopter from the nearby Bentwaters air base.

Witnesses reported seeing bright fast moving lights in the sky leading to speculation that it was a UFO.

Several badly-shaken American airmen gave detailed descriptions of the craft after it landed and security teams, guarding NATO nuclear weapons on the base, raced to investigate.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Israeli aircraft shoots down UFO

JERUSALEM (AFP): An Israeli warplane has shot down a "suspicious object" flying over the southern part of the Dead Sea
, the military said, adding that the intruder appeared to have been a balloon.

The country's main nuclear reactor is about 30 kilometres from the Dead Sea, at Dimona in the Negev desert.

"Air force planes were scrambled after a suspicious object was seen," a military spokeswoman told AFP Friday.

"It was shot down." She did not elaborate.

Local news site Ynet said one of the planes fired a missile at the object "which was hovering close to the nuclear research institute
at Dimona."

It said the balloon appeared to be powered by an engine, but was unmanned. Aircraft are forbidden from flying over the reactor near Dimona.

Israel says the reactor is for research purposes, but defence analysts say it is the centre of Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons programme. They say Dimona has been used to produce up to 200 nuclear warheads.

The Dimona plant was built with French aid at the beginning of the 1950s. But Israel has never confirmed or denied reports that it has produced nuclear warheads.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nightvision shots on youtube

Videos like these appear on youtube all the time. It's as if spotting a UFO with night-vision goggles is a lifestyle choice for these people. I'm tempted to this myself though...

Be warned, the majority of it could be hoax. Still, the sheer number of such sightings is something to think about.

Why would aliens come here? To destroy us, or be friends?

"Don't talk to aliens!", said my favorite physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking .

I can understand his concerns, I guess. It's what I've heard, all my life starting from mum! "You never know what they really want" is the first justification. And even though, we are taught about human values on trust and friendship in the subsequent years of our childhood (virtually turning around "Don't talk to strangers" to "Be nice to strangers"), the latter doesn't quite apply to people who are not human beings! I don't intend to pass judgements. I am only expressing my views.

It's been natural for people throughout history to live in tight-knit communities. People trust their immediate kin with their lives, but are weary of outsiders. 10,000 years ago, we had little villages. 1000 years ago, we had empires. 100 years ago, we had nations! And today, we hear slogans such as "Embrace humanity" "All humans are equal" and so on. Our perception and size of the community has grown over these thousands of years, and I don't see why the next big philosophy won't be "All sapient/sentient species are people, including dogs and dolphins!" This is one of the reasons, why I don't believe that making contact with aliens would spell doom to humanity.

It's also a well known idea (only a distinctly possible fact), that aliens would come here to conquer our planet and take away our resources. If so, I pose two questions: If the aliens could travel across star systems in their tiny little ships, why would it be so hard for them to find a life-less planet with more "resources"? What are the odds, that there is no such thing as a much bigger galactic community that humanity isn't yet a part of, and/or is not welcome in that community? Until these two questions are answered, I strongly believe that aliens would prefer only to make friends with humanity, not destroy it.

How the people in authority dodge questions about UFOs

Does life outside earth exist?
Obama: I don't know. But I do believe, there is life ON earth, and I'd like to tend to them first.
Me: Lol. Next post!

Mysterious locations found using Google earth

Fortunately, the creator of this video has posted the exact coordinates of whatever he's showing.

Unfortunately, I feel that only half of it is worth thinking about. Still, its quite a number!

The so called answer from the stars!

I just stumbled upon this video yesterday.

Sure, I've heard of crop circles. I've even seen them on the internet. They are spectacularly designed, and huge, no doubt. But a response to a message? An ASCII coded crop circle? Hoax or real? It's all yours to judge. I'm just here to show you what I found.

Let's make first contact

How many UFO sightings are reported so far? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Is it big enough for you to believe something about aliens? No? What about millions? Would that be okay for you? Would you even begin considering the possibility of extra-terrestrial life if the numbers are that big? According to the website,, there have been millions of reports since 2003. Even assuming, 99% of them are hoax or misunderstandings, it still amounts to at least 10,000 legitimate sightings. Going by these numbers, any rational mind would tend to believe, there is an alien space-ship hovering somewhere right above his head.

It's quite ironic, that despite these numbers, we don't read much about it in the newspaper, or see much of it on TV except as a figment of fantastic imagination. Why? Don't you wonder? Unfortunately, so do I. I've heard reasons for its lack of publicity alright! The most popular ones of course, include hallucinations, pranks, bizarre cloud formations, weather balloons, awry scientific experiments or simply a prototype airplane with its tail on fire. Also, more fantastic ideas have now turned into popular cliches, like "this is all a government cover up" or "a Cold war stunt" (although many of these sightings have been reported thousands of years before WW2).

Of course, there may be another reason why people reject the concept of extra-terrestrial life. I think, many would have heard of this one, which probably existed for thousands of years in history. It's "GOD says so, in the bible. He says, the earth is the only planet in the universe with life on it".

Whatever the reasons be, no matter how logical these statements may sound, our reason for rejecting them is diminishing every day. Just google UFO, and you will see what I mean.

I am no scientist or a researcher. I don't trek through the countryside looking for a clear starry night, or fly air-crafts across the oceans looking for visitors from the outside. Nor do I sit across the table with other intellectuals crunching numbers about their probability of existence. I am just a college student, with time to kill, and a curiosity that's almost killing me.

I do not have the means or the resources to verify my posts here, to be real or a hoax. Regardless, stuff about UFO is all over the internet. All I intend to do in this blog, is put them all together in one place, and update news I see, every day. Keep going through the blog, and you might catch a thing or two. If you like it, ask your friends to read it too. Let us become aware, that we are not alone in this universe, nor do we want to be.