Adamski Flying Saucer Group
The following is a copy of a tape recording recieved from America of answers given by Mr. George on 16th of June, 1955. This is in answer to the many questions sent to him by F.W.G Dicson and D.R. Weeber of the above group. We trust this will enlighten many of you people who are searching for the truth on the mysteries of Flying Saucers. Our aim is to give you this truth as we know it.
"This is June 16th, 1955, and George Adamski speaking. I have a list of questions that have been sent to me and I will answer these so as to make clear some of the things that are puzzling the public, and Lucy McGuiness, my secretary, will be asking the questions and I will answer them.
Q. Are the flying saucers solid?
A. Yes they are solid, just as solid as anything in this world is, just as solid as our planes are.
Q. Have you ever been in one?
A. Yes, I have been in them.
Q. What are they made of?
A. They are made of material just like material of our own; most of the analysis that has come through shows much aluminium and so forth. There are other minerals I have been informed, that are not found on this earth, but that does not mean they are not here.
Q. What do they use for power?
A. Well, for power it is commonly known to all men of the world as static electricity, the same thing that produces our lightning, this is harness up and put into propulsive states later known as a magnetic kind of force or magnetic propulsion.
Q. Are all of these saucers humanly controlled?
A. All above twelve feet yes, twelve feet in diameter they are humanly controlled, anything below twelve feet is not.
Q. What is the purpose of those under twelve feet?
A. Those under twelve feet are instrument type of saucers, they are sent out to measure atmospheric conditions, the chemical conditions within space and so on and so forth and if they are finally lost or their remote control is lost then they sometimes disintegrate them in space and sometimes they blow up here and there, and people report explosions. Some have been found to come to earth in a jelly-like form already disintegrating any by the time you pick up the jelly there is nothing but a bad odour left - the jelly is gone.
Q. Are there different types and styles of these saucers?
A. Yes, there are different types and styles, so to speak, and different sizes. They vary in various designs - there are seven different designs so far that have been detected.
Q. Does that indicate the planet they are from or the purpose they are used for?
A. No, that does not indicate the planet they are from nor the purpose either. There just happen to be different designs the same as we have many different designs in different things.
Q. What kind of instruments do they have?
A. Well, all types of instruments. Every type of instrument that could be imagined, for the work they almost have to have it since they are traveling in space. There is so much more to be encountered and expected than we do in our own atmosphere.
Q. Are they like ours in our planes?
A. What do you mean like ours?
Q. Well are there needles and compasses and such like?
A. No, there are no needles or compasses like that, everything is a colour chart or colour graphs.
Q. Sometimes these saucers and space ships are seen in different lights and sometimes they even seem to change colours as they are being observed, why is this?
A. That is because of these different coloured graphs. As they go into operation they change colour, each colour means something, and the domes or canopies being transparent naturally reflect the colour to the outside from these graphs, and as the graphs change colour, so does the outside change colour with them as a reflection.
Q. Have you ever flown in a flying saucer?
A. Yes.
Q. How can they move with such speed and make those sharp turns?
A. That is very simple. We are moving at a terrific speed on earth, say on one phase of it there is 18.5 mile, nearly 19 miles per second which is a 24 hour basis. And on the orbit side of the situation is 600,000,000 miles per year, and of course we know nothing about any speed of any kind that this earth is moving at all. And they have learned that law and moved complied with nature and harnessed the same powers that motivates the planets and so they are able to create their own atmosphere, their own gravity and as a result of it they don't know anything about movement any more than we do on earth.
Q. How did you feel when you were travelling in one?
A. Not any more than I do on earth right now, or anybody else. We are sitting on this earth moving at this terrific speed and do not know anything about it.
Q. How far out did you go in the saucer?
A. Well, quite a way. I went over the moon, the other side of the moon and quite a distance.
Q. In the Saucer?
A. Not in the saucer, but in the mother ship. The saucer only picked me up on the ground and took me to the mother ship, some 20,000 feet up or so.
Q. Can a saucer travel inter planetary?
A. No they cannot. They are carried by the mother ships or as they are known cigar-shaped types. Cigar-shaped types are a virtual power plant you might say.
Q. Do they recharge saucers sometimes?
A. They do, yes.
Q. How large would you say the mother ships are?
A. Well, the mother ships vary from 500 feet to up to seven miles in length. They have been reported even larger than that, while the saucers again that are piloted are anything from 12 feet on to 1200 feet in diameter.
Q. Are they made of the same materials as the saucers?
A. Yes they are. They are made of very much the same material, except the mother ships are, of course, heavier material than the saucers, much heavier because they are bigger structure, bigger ships and call for greater strength.
Q. Are the instruments inside them the same as in the saucers?
A. No, in the mother ship there are many more instrumentals for many more purposes than what the saucers have. The saucer is nothing but a scout.
Q. Do the big ships ever com to earth or do they ever land on any planet?
A. Well they have been reported but nobody has been able to verify where they have landed someplace, but I have never been able to track it down, but as far as I know they have not landed.
Q. Do they use the same type of power as the saucers?
A. Yes they are the major accumulator of this power it might be said, or condensors of this major power.
Q. Do they use motors and transformers and aerials and such as that?
A. Yes, not aerials, well, they do in their way, for communications sometimes, but mostly it is generators and condensors and some motors, however those motors are very silent, but I wouldn't know whether they are really motors or not.
Q. Why are they coming our way now?
A. Well , it is not because we are bad or indifferent; it is mostly because the earth itself is shifting and the evidence of standing for Admiral Bird, when at Little America prior to the war, and he reported that there was nothing but ice and snow there, yet in 1946 when he went there he reported that ice and snow are thawing and lakes are forming which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the earth has taken a shift and is still shifting according to some scientists, and they are observing that as a relationship to the planet naturally. We are able to detect earthquakes at a great distance by seismographs, and they have instruments to be able to detect the shift like that of this earth and know the relationship between two planets on the magnetic line of force will change somewhat, and they are observing that and will watch it and are mapping it.
Q. Then their major purpose is for their own scientific knowledge?
A. That's true.
Q. Are they all friendly?
A. Yes, very friendly, more so than any people on earth. People on earth pretend to be friendly but they are not really friendly to each other as these people are, even the so-called strangers.
Q. What planets are they coming from?
A. Well the ones that I have contacted are from Mars, Venus and Saturn although I have reports here from Neptune and Uranus as well. That means give planets in our system.
Q. Have you had any reports from planets from other systems?
A. No, I have not, but that does not mean they are not coming, because lodestar 359 has been checked for years and now for its code system which is supposed to be coming from there, whether it as been deciphered or not or what ever has been learned about has not been released, and the United States Navy has a big instrument on its building in Washington for that purpose and has had it for years.
Q. Are the people from different planets different from each other?
A. No, they are not, no more than the people are different from each other among nations in our own world.
Q. There have been several reports in the last few years of personal contacts. When was the last time that the people in planets contacted the earth like they are now?
A. According to some reports it is round 2000 years ago, when they made contact with people on earth by landing, and since then they have been observing the earth steadily but not landing until recently, and according to the information I have received from them they said we have not developed very much, because we were killing men then and we are still killing men.
Q. Well is this the fulfilling of Prophecies would you say?
A. I would say it is because in the Bible it tells you that Angel men the Son of God, or something of that nature would be coming forth from heaven to earth in due time and the proper time, and this would seem to be the situation.
Q. Well, since their purpose for coming is scientific, they are definitely not coming to save us, but can they help us in any way?
A. They are not coming to save anybody, no one can save anyone, each one must save himself if there be any saving, but they are here and will help us if we desire that help. That is no different than if a man is hungry you set the table then he must do the eating if he is going to fulfill his hunger, and the same thing they can do, they can give us information and we can take them or leave them and if we take them, we can better our conditions.
Q. There have been reports of crashes between earth planes and some of these air planetary craft. Was this deliberate on the part of the space people?
A. It was not. Never deliberate on their part, but our aggression and our so called egotism caused these accidents, which could be called accidents and nothing more, besides we are very poorly alerted, or you might say very poorly informed in reference to what kind of power they use in all, and we sometimes come a little bit close or too close to the so called force field that is always round their ships and once that happens we have the accidents.
Q. If their ships crash on earth or if they are shot as has been reported, do they have any way of protecting themselves?
A. No they do not, although they could. Although it is possible that they could harness this magnetic ray and shoot it out towards us and stop us in our tracks. But this is something they won't do. They claim that they have no right, I asked them about that, and they said they have no right to take revenge for a lack of understanding or ignorance.
Q. Do they have any television or things like that in their ships?
A. Yes they do have something like television, not exactly like the television we have, but similar to that, that registers any and every condition of vibration or frequency that they want to detect on earth, including my speaking right now could be picked up by them, as well as their learning languages if they do not happen to know, a language, they learn it that way. For an example, if I asked you to bring forward a chair I must have a picture of that chair in my mind then say the word commanding you, and then proceed to act, and they get all of that and keep repeating till they know what it means.
Continued in the next post...
"This is June 16th, 1955, and George Adamski speaking. I have a list of questions that have been sent to me and I will answer these so as to make clear some of the things that are puzzling the public, and Lucy McGuiness, my secretary, will be asking the questions and I will answer them.
Q. Are the flying saucers solid?
A. Yes they are solid, just as solid as anything in this world is, just as solid as our planes are.
Q. Have you ever been in one?
A. Yes, I have been in them.
Q. What are they made of?
A. They are made of material just like material of our own; most of the analysis that has come through shows much aluminium and so forth. There are other minerals I have been informed, that are not found on this earth, but that does not mean they are not here.
Q. What do they use for power?
A. Well, for power it is commonly known to all men of the world as static electricity, the same thing that produces our lightning, this is harness up and put into propulsive states later known as a magnetic kind of force or magnetic propulsion.
Q. Are all of these saucers humanly controlled?
A. All above twelve feet yes, twelve feet in diameter they are humanly controlled, anything below twelve feet is not.
Q. What is the purpose of those under twelve feet?
A. Those under twelve feet are instrument type of saucers, they are sent out to measure atmospheric conditions, the chemical conditions within space and so on and so forth and if they are finally lost or their remote control is lost then they sometimes disintegrate them in space and sometimes they blow up here and there, and people report explosions. Some have been found to come to earth in a jelly-like form already disintegrating any by the time you pick up the jelly there is nothing but a bad odour left - the jelly is gone.
Q. Are there different types and styles of these saucers?
A. Yes, there are different types and styles, so to speak, and different sizes. They vary in various designs - there are seven different designs so far that have been detected.
Q. Does that indicate the planet they are from or the purpose they are used for?
A. No, that does not indicate the planet they are from nor the purpose either. There just happen to be different designs the same as we have many different designs in different things.
Q. What kind of instruments do they have?
A. Well, all types of instruments. Every type of instrument that could be imagined, for the work they almost have to have it since they are traveling in space. There is so much more to be encountered and expected than we do in our own atmosphere.
Q. Are they like ours in our planes?
A. What do you mean like ours?
Q. Well are there needles and compasses and such like?
A. No, there are no needles or compasses like that, everything is a colour chart or colour graphs.
Q. Sometimes these saucers and space ships are seen in different lights and sometimes they even seem to change colours as they are being observed, why is this?
A. That is because of these different coloured graphs. As they go into operation they change colour, each colour means something, and the domes or canopies being transparent naturally reflect the colour to the outside from these graphs, and as the graphs change colour, so does the outside change colour with them as a reflection.
Q. Have you ever flown in a flying saucer?
A. Yes.
Q. How can they move with such speed and make those sharp turns?
A. That is very simple. We are moving at a terrific speed on earth, say on one phase of it there is 18.5 mile, nearly 19 miles per second which is a 24 hour basis. And on the orbit side of the situation is 600,000,000 miles per year, and of course we know nothing about any speed of any kind that this earth is moving at all. And they have learned that law and moved complied with nature and harnessed the same powers that motivates the planets and so they are able to create their own atmosphere, their own gravity and as a result of it they don't know anything about movement any more than we do on earth.
Q. How did you feel when you were travelling in one?
A. Not any more than I do on earth right now, or anybody else. We are sitting on this earth moving at this terrific speed and do not know anything about it.
Q. How far out did you go in the saucer?
A. Well, quite a way. I went over the moon, the other side of the moon and quite a distance.
Q. In the Saucer?
A. Not in the saucer, but in the mother ship. The saucer only picked me up on the ground and took me to the mother ship, some 20,000 feet up or so.
Q. Can a saucer travel inter planetary?
A. No they cannot. They are carried by the mother ships or as they are known cigar-shaped types. Cigar-shaped types are a virtual power plant you might say.
Q. Do they recharge saucers sometimes?
A. They do, yes.
Q. How large would you say the mother ships are?
A. Well, the mother ships vary from 500 feet to up to seven miles in length. They have been reported even larger than that, while the saucers again that are piloted are anything from 12 feet on to 1200 feet in diameter.
Q. Are they made of the same materials as the saucers?
A. Yes they are. They are made of very much the same material, except the mother ships are, of course, heavier material than the saucers, much heavier because they are bigger structure, bigger ships and call for greater strength.
Q. Are the instruments inside them the same as in the saucers?
A. No, in the mother ship there are many more instrumentals for many more purposes than what the saucers have. The saucer is nothing but a scout.
Q. Do the big ships ever com to earth or do they ever land on any planet?
A. Well they have been reported but nobody has been able to verify where they have landed someplace, but I have never been able to track it down, but as far as I know they have not landed.
Q. Do they use the same type of power as the saucers?
A. Yes they are the major accumulator of this power it might be said, or condensors of this major power.
Q. Do they use motors and transformers and aerials and such as that?
A. Yes, not aerials, well, they do in their way, for communications sometimes, but mostly it is generators and condensors and some motors, however those motors are very silent, but I wouldn't know whether they are really motors or not.
Q. Why are they coming our way now?
A. Well , it is not because we are bad or indifferent; it is mostly because the earth itself is shifting and the evidence of standing for Admiral Bird, when at Little America prior to the war, and he reported that there was nothing but ice and snow there, yet in 1946 when he went there he reported that ice and snow are thawing and lakes are forming which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the earth has taken a shift and is still shifting according to some scientists, and they are observing that as a relationship to the planet naturally. We are able to detect earthquakes at a great distance by seismographs, and they have instruments to be able to detect the shift like that of this earth and know the relationship between two planets on the magnetic line of force will change somewhat, and they are observing that and will watch it and are mapping it.
Q. Then their major purpose is for their own scientific knowledge?
A. That's true.
Q. Are they all friendly?
A. Yes, very friendly, more so than any people on earth. People on earth pretend to be friendly but they are not really friendly to each other as these people are, even the so-called strangers.
Q. What planets are they coming from?
A. Well the ones that I have contacted are from Mars, Venus and Saturn although I have reports here from Neptune and Uranus as well. That means give planets in our system.
Q. Have you had any reports from planets from other systems?
A. No, I have not, but that does not mean they are not coming, because lodestar 359 has been checked for years and now for its code system which is supposed to be coming from there, whether it as been deciphered or not or what ever has been learned about has not been released, and the United States Navy has a big instrument on its building in Washington for that purpose and has had it for years.
Q. Are the people from different planets different from each other?
A. No, they are not, no more than the people are different from each other among nations in our own world.
Q. There have been several reports in the last few years of personal contacts. When was the last time that the people in planets contacted the earth like they are now?
A. According to some reports it is round 2000 years ago, when they made contact with people on earth by landing, and since then they have been observing the earth steadily but not landing until recently, and according to the information I have received from them they said we have not developed very much, because we were killing men then and we are still killing men.
Q. Well is this the fulfilling of Prophecies would you say?
A. I would say it is because in the Bible it tells you that Angel men the Son of God, or something of that nature would be coming forth from heaven to earth in due time and the proper time, and this would seem to be the situation.
Q. Well, since their purpose for coming is scientific, they are definitely not coming to save us, but can they help us in any way?
A. They are not coming to save anybody, no one can save anyone, each one must save himself if there be any saving, but they are here and will help us if we desire that help. That is no different than if a man is hungry you set the table then he must do the eating if he is going to fulfill his hunger, and the same thing they can do, they can give us information and we can take them or leave them and if we take them, we can better our conditions.
Q. There have been reports of crashes between earth planes and some of these air planetary craft. Was this deliberate on the part of the space people?
A. It was not. Never deliberate on their part, but our aggression and our so called egotism caused these accidents, which could be called accidents and nothing more, besides we are very poorly alerted, or you might say very poorly informed in reference to what kind of power they use in all, and we sometimes come a little bit close or too close to the so called force field that is always round their ships and once that happens we have the accidents.
Q. If their ships crash on earth or if they are shot as has been reported, do they have any way of protecting themselves?
A. No they do not, although they could. Although it is possible that they could harness this magnetic ray and shoot it out towards us and stop us in our tracks. But this is something they won't do. They claim that they have no right, I asked them about that, and they said they have no right to take revenge for a lack of understanding or ignorance.
Q. Do they have any television or things like that in their ships?
A. Yes they do have something like television, not exactly like the television we have, but similar to that, that registers any and every condition of vibration or frequency that they want to detect on earth, including my speaking right now could be picked up by them, as well as their learning languages if they do not happen to know, a language, they learn it that way. For an example, if I asked you to bring forward a chair I must have a picture of that chair in my mind then say the word commanding you, and then proceed to act, and they get all of that and keep repeating till they know what it means.
Continued in the next post...
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