Friday, January 14, 2011

UFO darts across Oklahoma and Arkansas skies

UFO darted across the Oklahoma skies in a bluish-green glow. Authorities don't know what it was. People in Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma both saw the bright light passing over the area. The light was seen as far away as Florida.

Everyone is guessing what it may have been. Officials think that the object may have broken up and some pieces are on the ground in Oklahoma. According to KFOR, "Sheriff's dispatchers on both sides of the border say they received calls about the light Tuesday night."

The sky just lit up, and there is a picture of the object that someone in Oklahoma took, so your guess is as good as the next guy's. Residents of both states would like a definitive answer though. Oklahoma residents are being told that there may be debris in the state from the eerie light that appeared and disappeared just as quickly.

What it was is any one's guess, but there have certainly been some strange things in the sky and on the Earth lately. Rumors are flying about the bluish-green glowing light. Whatever it was, it was big and flashy.

Source: Gather news

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