The following is a copy of a tape recording recieved from America of answers given by Mr. George on 16th of June, 1955. This is in answer to the many questions sent to him by F.W.G Dicson and D.R. Weeber of the above group. We trust this will enlighten many of you people who are searching for the truth on the mysteries of Flying Saucers. Our aim is to give you this truth as we know it.
"This is June 16th, 1955, and George Adamski speaking. I have a list of questions that have been sent to me and I will answer these so as to make clear some of the things that are puzzling the public, and Lucy McGuiness, my secretary, will be asking the questions and I will answer them.
Continuation from Excerpt 3
Q. How can these ships sail through space without being hit by meteors?
A. Well, they have a force field, their own gravity, their own atmosphere, as I have stated before, which is known as a forcefield and is a negative forcefield radiating from the body of the ship, and anything flying through space and any space debris is also negative, but space is positive, therefore, it will repel anything that might be coming towards the ship.
Q. Is space hot or cold, does it have any layers of different temperatures?
A. Well, it has hot layers, warm layers and very cold layers of atmosphere and conditions in space but traveling at the speed you do and carrying your own atmosphere and your own gravity you do not come in contact with it directly as you would without its protection.
Q. Your new book "Inside the space ships" gives many of these answers doesn't it?
A. Yes it does. It gives quite a number of things in reference to life and many other things.
Q. And more information about their thoughts?
A. Yes, about the way they live, and how they think, their entertainment and quite a number of things.
Q. And do they have a lot of entertainment on those planets as well as work and play?
A. Yes they do, they have beautiful music far greater than we have attained so far and all their entertainment is more or less kind of class work, because they learn from their entertainment the gracefulness of their body, like dancing gives gracefulness of the body, everything is done with the purpose of learning - always learning, that is their whole desire and the idea behind it is that the more they learn about the laws of nature and comply with them, the more they render their service unto their Creator, and the more they please their Creator. That's their major point of living, to please their Creator, the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, not like we, we are out to please ourselves and seldom think of our creator except when we get into trouble, but they are constantly in thought of the Creator and do everything with that thought and to please their creator to the best of their ability, and the best of their knowledge. They look upon each other as a divine creation and therefore they do not harm each other as we do here on earth.
Q. Then it is all done with joy?
A. Yes, all done with joy out and what we call universal love and so forth. In other words they see themselves in the other fellow and they would't want to be hurt so they won't hurt the other fellow, and I believe it is time for religious groups all over the world to take this particular lesson and it is the only hope to save civilization from total destruction, by the religious groups taking up this method and practicing by preaching it, and not only preaching it but practicing it - PUT IT TO WORK.
The end
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