Adamski Flying Saucer Group
The following is a copy of a tape recording recieved from America of answers given by Mr. George on 16th of June, 1955. This is in answer to the many questions sent to him by F.W.G Dicson and D.R. Weeber of the above group. We trust this will enlighten many of you people who are searching for the truth on the mysteries of Flying Saucers. Our aim is to give you this truth as we know it."This is June 16th, 1955, and George Adamski speaking. I have a list of questions that have been sent to me and I will answer these so as to make clear some of the things that are puzzling the public, and Lucy McGuiness, my secretary, will be asking the questions and I will answer them.
Continued from excerpt 2
Q. Have they birds and animals and fish and flowers?
A. No different than our own for we must admit our earth is born of space, for if it is born of space it has got its chemicals of which it is composed out of space. The other planets born of the same space, and especially our own system should not have reproduced anything different than this planet has, chemically speaking.
Q. What do the people eat?
A. They are mostly vegetarians, although if they come to your home and you have nothing but meat, they will eat it, and they will also eat it on the planet if that should be a necessity.
Q. Do they raise stock there for food purposes like we do?
A. No, they do not.
Q. Would it be possible for people from other planets to come to earth land in a flying saucer and to get a job or work in some way here, live among us as our neighbours and friends without being recognized?
A. Yes, it is very possible, in fact they could marry and no one would know the difference.
Q. Can they read our thoughts?
A. Yes, they can read our thoughts very well, although we are not well developed in that field but most of our salesmen and people dealing with people read other people ,and knowing before hand just what the reaction of individual will be, with whom they have developed it to a far greater extent than we do, therefore they are able to read us much easier.
Q. Then if we met any of them we would have no difficulty in talking with them.
A. Not at all.
Q. Could we entertain them in our homes as friends, and feed them and such that, and be comfortable with them?
A. No different than we do our own friends now, in fact a lot more comfortable.
Q. How can we get to meet them?
A. Well that is a big question, I have been asked that a thousand times, and it seems that they choose their people somehow, and why I wouldn't know but they have picked up and made contacts with people from the lowest so called talent base of earth man to the highest already. They seen to be picking up in all fields of endeavour and no one can ever tell who might be the next athough you do not need such a great education for such a contact, but it is better if you have a broader view of life, as they could use you a lot better, in other words they could use you as a servant to spread the good news; but they do not contact all phases. Their greatest and important part, that I might say is necessary for an individual to be in, for the contact to be made is alert, to be alert; you don't have to concentrate, meditate or anything like that, but be alert. Let me illustrate this little bit this way. For instance two men walk into a place for a drink, they both get the same drink, and they have the same drink, then they walk out of the place, and one man says (we will say this is Jim talking to Dick) "Say Jim, did you see that beautiful picture on the bar or did you see that beautiful mantlepiece hanging over in that corner?" and dick said "Heck! I haven't seen anything like that. When did you see it? I was in the same place and saw nothing". Proving, that one man was alert and saw everything that was in that room, while the other fellow was not. That is what I mean by alertness.
Q. Would it be wise to use a flashlight in trying to attract their attention or signal them?
A. It is dangerous because after all they are not superhuman beings as some people try to make them out to be, they are too, wondering sometimes what we are going to do, and in cases like that you throw a beam of light against them and that could be something dangerous, so not knowing what might be in that beam they will throw a ray at you which will knock you down, which has been known to do and not to hurt you in any way but it does frighten you a little bit. For instance, this case down here in what you call Scout master you probably have heard about, when he started hatching the waves at their ship with a machete. Well supposing that machete had stuck into the crown of the ship, he would have completed the circuit in this electrical machine and he would have been electrocuted, and it was lucky for him that each time he struck at the ship with the machete a portion of it broke off and made no contact. So seeing that they shot a ray at him and knocked him down and of course this was not hot, but you know a rope is not hot but can burn your hand. Well, this is about the way this happened and he got burnt a little bit, but it saved his life by frightening him that way and getting him away from the ship, so you see that is a dangerous thing to do to focus the light on them. It is better if you are going to signal, signal the light on the ground, towards the ground, they'll see it that's what they need.
Q. Have they decreased in number these space people?
A. No they have not. They are increasing rather than decreasing. Last year there were many more of them than ever before and there were 82 personal contacts made throughout the world, yet the papers only carry two contacts out of 82.
Q. Is the sun hot?
A. The sun is not as near as we can tell now because the closer we go towards the sun in our own planes the colder it gets. It looks like the radiation that comes from the sun, once it hits our atmosphere, it is there that it begins to heat and especially when it hits our earth, as well as the light that is produced by the same method.
Will be continued in the next post..
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