Adamski Flying Saucer Group
The following is a copy of a tape recording recieved from America of answers given by Mr. George on 16th of June, 1955. This is in answer to the many questions sent to him by F.W.G Dicson and D.R. Weeber of the above group. We trust this will enlighten many of you people who are searching for the truth on the mysteries of Flying Saucers. Our aim is to give you this truth as we know it."This is June 16th, 1955, and George Adamski speaking. I have a list of questions that have been sent to me and I will answer these so as to make clear some of the things that are puzzling the public, and Lucy McGuiness, my secretary, will be asking the questions and I will answer them.
continuation of excerpt 1 from here..
Q. Have you met any women on any of these ships?
A. Yes, there are women on all ships, that is, the big ships especially. I have heard of a ship landing, the saucer type, a very large one, where there were five men and two beautiful brunette women all averaging 5' to 6'1''. The women were around 5'6'' to 5'8'' while the men were around 6' to 6'1''.
Q. Have you ever been taken to another planet?
A. No, I have not.
Q. Has anyone that you know of ever been taken to another planet?
A. I have heard of cases where men have been taken to other planets. Just recently there was a a man giving a lecture (Nelson) in Chicago saying that he was taken to two planets ,Mars and Venus, as well as the moon, and I have some of his letters that he wrote to me prior to his lecture. At that time he did not go out, but since then he did and of course, I believe his case, only on these grounds, that while my book "Inside a Space ship" is not yet out, but will be out in a few days, no one read the script and yet he had the same information which I have written about in the book, meaning then that he has contacted another group of Venusians different from mine, and must have got this information from that group, on these grounds I base the case as being true as far as I know.
Q. How far our have you been taken?
A. Well I was taken pretty close to one other planet like that of Venus but never landed on it.
Q. Is space sunny or is it just black dark?
A. It is darkness. The further out in space you get, the darker it gets, although if any object that was moving through space it seems to be a little darker than space itself so you can still detect it even with your own eyes.
Q. Is there life on the moon?
A. Yes there are plenty of inhabitants on the moon, in fact the space people have bases on the moon and quite a number of them.
Q. Do you know what the bridge on the moon is which has recently been discovered by Astronomers. Does it cross a deep canyon or water or what?
A. Well it seems to be crossing a canyon, what it is, (and it is probably not built by man), that is hard to say until you land on it and investigate it. It could be made by nature just that way, for even made by nature is a feat in itself, for it is 250 feet in length it has been reported. I have that report from the "Sky and Telescope" magazine, which is published by Harvard a couple of years ago, this was given out.
Q. Do they have weather on the moon like we have, changing storms and such as that, or do they have extremes of hot and cold?
A. Well, they have the extreme hot and cold, the same as we have it - we have it on earth as well, and astronomy will never prove facts to the exact state that's one sure think. It makes many other forms of science to conform this thing since none of the scientists that talk about this have ever gone themselves to prove it. They are only speculating or theorizing.
Q. There have been reports throughout the years of mysterious light on the moon, sometimes these things last a long time and sometimes they are only flashes now and then, can you explain those?
A. Well surely they would not be there unless somebody would operate them or produce them. There has to be some sort of intelligence to bring forth these odd manifestations as we call them. As I have stated before, our instruments that we have, as good as they are they are not good enough yet to give us an exact answer to all these questions.
Q. Are there oceans on the moon?
A. There is water on the moon, or there is moisture on the moon - there is bound to be because chemistry will tell you that if is 240 degrees on one side and 240 below zero on the other side that these two extremities are going to meet, and anybody who studies chemistry knows that once they meet they produce moisture themselves automatically, also produce a temperate zone at the very spot they meet, they have got to blend some place.
Q. Well, about those extreme temperatures, Halley says there are some to the rising of 240 degrees.
A. No, they are not exactly right because as I stated before we haven't got the proper instruments yet, that will give us the exact truth and common sense tells us that if the rays of the sun coming our way will heat by opposing what they call pressure which is caused by friction that these rays do heat, it is common sense that we, going out from here may strike in this way a certain amount of heat. This is going ot be created through friction opposing the atmosphere and we have no way of knowing just what that percentage would be, how would we know exact temperature then anywhere else?
Q. Do the people of the other planets worship the same God as we do on earth?
A. Well, they don't call it God as we do any more than they call the planets Venus, Mars and so forth as we do. They name their planets by orbits, only, which is logical thing to do because that would be universal, and so it is true with their word for the name of God, instead using the word God they say Supreme Being or the Universe or Supreme Intelligence of the universe which is even broader than the word God.
Q. Do they have a Sabbath day that they observe?
A. A sabbath day to them is every day because every day is a holy day of the Supreme Being and perpetuated by the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe. And that being holy they consider all things holy.
Q. Do they have everlasting life or are they born and do they die?
A. They have everlasting life when it comes to life, but forms must change and therefore in speaking of forms dying they do not actually die but there is transformation of going back to the true essence from which they came while the intelligence that occupied that form goes on to the next person and takes on another form, which in this world we call death they only call it transmutation.
Q. What is the average span of life there on the other planets?
A. The average span of life on planet Venus for example is thousand years or so, although that should not be a mystery because the bible tells you that when the firmament was over the earth that there was a thousand years life here as well and that Methusale had lived to 999 years.
Q. What is their mode of living, do they have cities and country life and rural districts like we have?
A. The mode of living is not much different from our own. They are human beings like we are. Once we get that into our heads the mystery will begin to vanish, but they are human being like ourselves, and they have very much the problems in some things that we have. For instance they have the problem of having to wash their faces and keeping their bodies clean, and things like that, except that they have solved the economic problem far better than we have, where the worries and tensions that we have to go through are no long prevailing.
Q. Do they work for a living?
A. Well they have been one time, but they have harness all the powers that we are harnessing, they harness it for construction to produce or do their work for them, and so as a result of it they do very little work about 2 hours out of every 24 hours of our time.
Q. But they have a home life like we do?
A. Yes, on a universal basis, in other words every child is given equal education according to his talent, what he is adapted for. Full support to the development of that talent as it realises that it renders a service to the while that the while could not operate without it either.
Q. Well does that educational system cease after so many years?
A. No it doesn't. They keep on learning, that is the way they move on from planet to planet as would from classroom, for graduation which is never attained because eternity is eternity.
Q. Do they have churches and school houses and such as that?
A. They do not have them in the same sense that we have, but their churches or school houses are one and the same thing. Put it that way because they learn the universal laws which are also of their creator and that of man as a unit combination, no division.
Continued in the next post..
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