Foreign exchange students at Eugene’s Lane Community College told local media today that while there’s a news blackout in Egypt. But, there’s also reports of UFOs. Moreover, there have been BBC and other international media confirmations; news of lights and UFO sightings in skies over this ancient land.
Information about the COMETA Report and the photo that accompanies this story was researched in part by a review of National Archives and the Division of Special Collections and University Archives, at the University of Oregon here in Eugene.
In addition, British and French government freedom of information act type files about UFOs are also available to the general public, and contain details about the COMETA Report and various proposals for making first contact with ETs.
The COMETA Report is a kin to the Air Force Blue Book reports on UFOs, states a French government information source. Moreover, COMETA’s history is tied to senior French government officials who, after World War II, decided it was time to investigate and prove UFO sightings were real.
Thus, COMETA is the French government’s official document stating that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are real.
At the same time, members of the United Nations scientific committee are said to be reviewing proposals for the United Nations to set-up a UFO task force that will coordinate any direct contact with aliens.
Moreover, it’s believed that the United Nations would serve as the center communications with alien civilizations. With that in mind, sources say COMETA is being reviewed because UFO and alien contact “would impact world security.”
Any alien contact means it is superior coming here to Earth.
The 1971 UFO photo (accompanying this story) helped make the COMETA Report an already historic document, say those who study UFO phenomenon.
“The COMETA Report photo is proof that UFOs exist because after 40 years nobody can prove it’s not a UFO. It’s real. It happened. The COMETA Report will be remembered because it begins the conversation about making contact.
In addition, a British government document titled “How to Report a UFO Sighting,” in the Freedom of Information Section of the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) website.
The National Archives also includes information about UFO sightings over the Caribbean during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the Sixties; and, UFO sightings were reported in the Middle East during the Gulf War. For instance, the first group of 160 U.S. government UFO files were released on May 14, 2008 on the National Archives website. The files are said to have “more than enough evidence to confirm UFO existence.”
Crisis in Egypt and the region’s UFO connection
“An ancient civilization exists in Egypt, and it’s always been known as a center for UFO sightings and UFO history,” says Lyle Thorpe who’s a member of the Oregon UFO “watchers” group that meets monthly at Stonefield Beach, along Oregon’s central coast.
Thorpe points to the recent tour of Egyptian King Tut and the “Golden Age of the Pharaohs Exhibition” that recently ended a long U.S. tour. The King Tut exhibition is said to “bring the golden age of the Pharaohs to life with 130 ancient Egyptian artifacts and treasures uncovered by the explorer Harry Burton in 1922.”
What the Tut exhibit does not detail is many of the artifacts include unusual graphics that point to UFO craft, alien life and out-of-this -world points of view that are expressed in these personal items of King Tut.
Still, even with King Tut’s collection of UFO art in gold, etched in jewelry and used in design, there’s nobody of international stature, who’s still alive, that will come forward and lead the United Nations in establishing a UFO Center, as the COMETA Report advises.
Not surprising, Thorpe noted that according to the United Kingdom’s Freedom of Information Act “few UFO sightings in England and Europe were investigated in any meaningful sense of the word.”
The COMETA Report also states that a UFO crisis is possible because “there are so many unknowns.”
Also, the COMETA Report states that because there’s no scientific or world government consensus on how to best communicate or investigate UFOs and alien life on Earth, it will remain in the status quo until a world doctrine on the existence of UFOs is ratified by members of the United Nations.
The report says there’s proof that UFO civilizations have roots here on Earth and, thus, a vested interest in Earth and its people.
Source: huliq.com
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